快好知 kuaihz

for the duration造句
1. They were incarcerated for the duration of the war. 2. I'm stuck here for the duration. 3. Many foreigners were interned for the duration of the war. 4. He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial. 5. He will be in the hospital for the duration of the school year. 6. She stayed there for the duration of the journey. 7. No vacations for the duration. 8. The building was requisitioned as a military hospital for the duration of the war. 9. She expatiated on/upon her work for the duration of the meal. 10. Let's hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease - fire . 11. I suppose we're stuck with each other for the duration . 12. The package includes cycle hire for the duration of your holiday. 13. His wounds knocked him out of combat for the duration. 14. The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war. 15. His insomnia continued for the duration of his depression. 16. The norm for the duration of commercial leases has for many years been twenty-five years. 16.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 17. So the players belong to the same club for the duration. 18. This road is solid with unyielding traffic for the duration of the holiday season. 19. Charge was 75 per hour, for the duration of the public meeting only. 20. The claimant should then submit medical certificates for the duration of their absence from work. 21. The question immediately arises whether a tenancy for the duration of the war creates a good leasehold interest. 22. I stayed there for the duration to try and prove to myself that I was able to do it. 23. Almost all workers heeded a call by the trade unions to stay at home for the duration of the strike. 24. The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year. 25. Such meetings can last all day and night, or for the duration of the trip. 26. Quahanti made no admission of guilt, and the case was continued for the duration of her probation. 27. There are then severe shortages of accommodation for local people for the duration of the holiday season. 28. I also learned that we had priority for air support for the duration. 29. Eleven thousand policeman and five thousand soldiers are on guard throughout the city for the duration. 30. I would turn and stare unblinkingly at the screen for the duration of the commercial.