快好知 kuaihz

1, I can't eat this crud! 2, What's this crud on my seat? 3, It's actually possible to automate most CRUD work using seam-gen (see Resources), Seam's Ruby-on-Rails-style application generator. 4, Notifier, which is called after completion of the CRUD operation, and can be used to implement a notification mechanism, but cannot modify the object itself. 5, The data object in these CRUD operations, ideally for this pattern, is a composite value object data object. 6, Traditionally, to get data all the way from the database to the front end, you need to write a class for each table in the database with all the create, read, update,[http:///crud.html] and delete (CRUD) methods. 7, They also contain a lot of cosmic crud, mostly in the form of dust-sized grains. 8, He said he had the crud and needed a doctor. 9, You can perform CRUD actions on files with certain directory path. 10, NET Dynamic Data enables CRUD ( Create, Read, Update and Delete ) operations in a data model. 11, Come on, if she is going to feed us this crud, she could at least get her research right. 12, She thought of water, which was pure, and then remembered the crud on the bed of the stream. 13, Clear Data Builder, which is an Eclipse Plugin that allows generating CRUD applications for BlazeDS or LCDS based on either an SQL statement or a Java data transfer object. 14, The research expressed, the consumption of power would increase with higher deslag of contain the solid of crud and with a certain concentration it would have a sudden rise. 15, Each bean is a subclass of the same basic Account bean, containing the four basic CRUD methods, plus a custom finder, a select method, and multiple data-logic methods. 16, It is important to reduce or prevent the formation of crud during solvent extraction process. 17, Of course you can register a new application with the Skyway generated CRUD application. 18, OBJECTIVE To establish detection methods of 6 kinds of crud drugs in Qiju Dihuang granules.