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61. Because FCB is fluid and self - hardening , the flow value is often controlled at about 180 ? 0 mm. 62. Sulphoaluminate cement has better properties than Portland cement, high strength, fast hardening, impermeability, corrosive resistance, frost resistance, expansive property and so on. 63. The main factors such as pressure, the third invariant of stress tensor, strain hardening and softening, stain rate and tensile damage have been taken into account in the constitutive model. 64. Start the Seaside Village road surface hardening, and drainage works. 65. The grinding - hardening is a surface heat treatment technology that using grinding heat. 66. The surface characteristic of the grinding hardening parts and effect of grinding parameters on the hardness penetration depth and the new process industrial application will be illustrated in detail. 67. Continue to improve the urban road construction, complete urban trunk road hardening. 68. MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption. 69. The load point displacement caused by single load for two dimentional cracked body with certain strain hardening exponent is divided into its linear-elastic and plastic components. 70. And the precipitation of Nb has the effect of precipitation hardening and grain refinement. 71. A hardening agent mixed with the monomer will induce polymerization. 72. The procedures of heat treatment of steel include hardening, tempering(Sentence dictionary), annealing and case hardening. 73. At high temperature uses are: sintering, welding, hardening, sintering, tempering, Xu cold. 74. The(aeolotropism) and Bauschinger effect resulted from plastic deformation under cyclic loading were reflected by the kinematic hardening model in the SFEM. 75. A material with plastic prestrain shows the property of strain hardening such as isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening or mixed hardening. 76. Carburizing, cyaniding , and induction hardening are some of the processes commonly used to produce the case hardening effect. 77. Morphoea is a connective tissue disorder characterised by hardening and thickening of the skin due to an increased collagen deposition. 78. The exact cause is unknown, but risks include high blood pressure, smoking, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), trauma and Marfan's syndrome. 79. The continuous induction hardening technology for large - scale plate parts of metal recovery equipment has been investigated. 80. The amplitude-frequency curves indicate that when the buffer spring clearance is appropriate, the nonlinear characteristics are very obvious and the suspension system works as a hardening spring. 81. Drying oils such as walnut oil was favored at one time since it combined with the shellac and, when dry, worked as a hardening agent. 82. The author sum up experiences about laser surface hardening process of many years. 83. Electrolytic hardening process was developed in USSR in 1950s. The process was developed but was not commercially exploited. 84. It is assumed that the elastic fiber bundle is evenly distributed in the elastoplastic powerlaw hardening matrix and the contact between fibers in the fiber bundle is smooth. 85. The formation of the residual stress during hardening process of the resin coated sand was analyzed, and some main measures to control the residual stress were proposed. 86. For these reasons, agar rapidly replaced gelatin as the hardening agent of choice for bacterriological work. 87. It for consolidating molding sand, such as resin bonded sand, as well as tamping sand, such as clay sand or self hardening sand. 88. Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow signs of aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation. 89. This abuse, with its attendant hardening and disconnectedness, must certainly be a powerful contributing factor to substance abuse and to other pathologies as well. 90. The method, now known as Golgi staining or Golgi impregnation, involves hardening of tissue in potassium bichromate and ammonia, followed by immersion in a silver nitrate solution.