clinton造句91 President Clinton has said he will act to stop the war spreading to Kosovo, but few in Kosovo believe his promises.
92 Clinton repeated his call, made in his first inaugural address in 1993, for political reform.
93 Even Bush's adopted home state of Texas gave Clinton a five percent lead.
94 Still, it was superior to the acceptance speech delivered by Clinton two weeks later in Chicago.
95 Clinton admitted that Flowers had been an acquaintance, but strongly denied that he had had an affair with her.
96 The ad includes video of Clinton speaking at a Houston fund-raiser, where he made the admission about the taxes.
97 In most instances, Clinton is a step removed from the alleged violations.
98 But there is much Clinton can do in the four years that lie ahead of him in his second term.
99 And if Clinton wins it, George Bush can start packing his bags.
100 In public, the Clinton administration is declining to assign responsibility for the long deadlock.
101 Clinton syphoned off suburban traditional Republican voters while still commanding backing from the poor and black Democrats in the inner-cities.
102 Any successful scheme would require careful attention to the vision that the city and the community had for Clinton.
103 But we have to admit that Mr Clinton has preserved much more moral authority and effectiveness in office than ever seemed possible.
104 After becoming president, Clinton was praised for pledging to enact a measure to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military.
105 He did several newspaper interviews Friday, his first extended on-the-record sessions since Clinton announced his appointment in November.
106 If Bush wins, he should appoint Clinton as his secretary of state and give Gore a seat in the cabinet.
107 When Dole arrived in Wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
108 Quinn is well-regarded within the White House and has been an important political adviser to Clinton.
109 Mrs Clinton unwittingly may have provided ample justification for that request.
110 Perhaps unwisely, Clinton has apologized for raising taxes in 1993.
111 California advances all sorts of reasons why Mr Clinton should not bother.
112 But President Clinton has threatened a veto if it contains the Gallegly amendment.
113 Now, however, the Clinton administration does not have the funds due to its budget battle with the Republican-controlled Congress.
114 Mr Clinton has signed appropriations bills funding seven cabinet agencies.
115 The Clinton administration said the agreement does not require congressional approval.
116 Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
117 Aside from meetings with Clinton and a senior State Department official, Fujimori spent most of his day here in public appearances.
118 The departure came just hours before Clinton triumphantly addressed the convention delegates, who unanimously nominated him for re-election Wednesday night.
119 The Clinton administration, though generally supporting open markets, had taken a neutral position on the banana question.
120 Clinton, according to aides who have spoken with him, thinks that most presidents fall into three categories.