tell of造句 31. He could tell of consumption making inroads on entire families and of pellagra, once found only among poor whites, which was now appearing in Atlanta 's best families. 32. Ancient records tell of mystical, sweet-smelling vapors rising from the earth, putting The Pythia under Apollo's spell. 33. To tell of what he chanced on was against his creed. 34. I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world.英文造句desensitiseddesaltvirgin islandsapolipoproteinforbear fromantebrachialtempletpegboardnickel-and-dimefinancial forecastingcount up tothirty-sevenwalk homeairing cupboardthraceextralinguisticshigellosispattern matchinghill climbingdoorplatecardinhave no alternative butfood colorexpress emotionbe on the receiving endmoney"s worthmaintenance departmentmotorizationuniaxial