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adult education造句
(1) Most adult education centres offer computing courses. (2) This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country. (3) Adult education helps people achieve more fulfilled lives. (4) We should do our best to develop the adult education. (5) That shows what adult education can do. (6) Most of adult education is market-determined and market-led. (7) Susan King is a journalist and adult education tutor. (8) Adult education specialists, in any case, do not exercise much power in this nation. (9) Holy Trinity also sponsors ambitious programs in adult education, Jesuit spirituality and social outreach. (10) Adult Education Centres See local telephone directory under your local council listing. (11) The role of adult education networks and institutions whose mission encompasses a strong social purpose is now an urgent issue. (12) Another 200 plus organisations involved in you, adult education and community work will receive Education Committee grants. (13) Whether primary, secondary or adult education, the teaching situation is a human transaction, an interchange between persons. (14) Update and refine your skills, preferably in adult education programs at a local college. (15) However, most adult education classes will include something on flower arranging and many colleges provide courses on floristry. (16) The adult education service in Croydon is well supported by the local authority. (17) These schools were for children but adult education and literacy classes were also provided. (18) Some former course members have since obtained fulltime teaching posts in adult education. (19) On the other hand, there were grave limitations in using existing adult education institutions for radical education and action. (20) Overall it is clear that two parallel developments have been taking place in adult education for the unemployed. (21) Effectuated rage is a forbidden concept in the politics of adult education. (22) This category was clearly intended to introduce and promote study opportunities in liberal adult education. (23) Referrals come from the health authority whose speech therapists undertake assessments of students and often team-teach with adult education tutors. (24) The year also witnessed the suspension of some special programmes, most notably infant and adult education among refugee populations. (25) The government has announced plans to increase spending on adult education. (26) Our priorities for investment are preschool education, education and training for 16-19 year olds, and adult education. (27) In many areas, it is possible to enrol for adult education classes in archaeology. (28) Some older people want classes specially for their own age group; others want simply to participate in adult education generally. (29) The Circular exhorted LEAs to consider new ways of providing opportunities for adult education, including co-operation with universities and voluntary bodies. (30) Elsewhere, urban centres did not experience the anticipated post-war expansion in liberal adult education.