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a battery造句
1. We give a battery of tests to each patient. 2. I have a battery tester in my garage. 3. They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns. 4. He faced a battery of questions. 5. She faced a battery of questions. 6. He faced a battery of cameras. 7. They've got a battery of stainless cooking utensils in their kitchen. 8. This is quite a battery of questions. 9. He commands a battery of artillery. 10. Smaller might mean a battery life. 11. A battery of field guns had been increasing its activity over the last hour, Reeves reported. 12. All the children underwent a battery of tests at regular intervals. 13. It never breaks down, doesn't need a battery, and there is no additional expense once you own it. 14. The doctors gave Colavitti a battery of pain killers and two years to live. 15. After the rehearsal the sound engineer gave me a battery pack and microphone to attach to my evening gown. 16. This consisted of one box with a battery connected to the thin electric cable that was also the ferret's line. 17. In all but exceptional cases, wounding will involve a battery. 18. Since there can be an assault without a battery, this section uses the second meaning. 19. The labouring engines could be heard groaning like a battery of tanks. 20. A battery is connected to the anode and cathode via leads A and C respectively. 21. Part of the problem is that teachers often have a battery of specific questions and answers in mind. 22. Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens. 23. She was airlifted to Childrens Hospital, where she underwent a battery of tests. 24. Surprisingly, both the Portable and the Kodak were supplied without a battery, so I couldn't test them. 25. Then it was drawn into the light cast by a battery of exterior spot lamps. 26. Out of ninety-nine people screened for the study, sixteen were diagnosed as caffeine dependent after undergoing a battery of evaluations. 27. However, it was said in Rawlings v Till that physical restraint was a battery. 28. Male speaker I had to learn how to cast and wire up a battery. 29. One of the major problems with electric vehicles has been the lack of a battery with a high power-to-weight ratio. 30. That spat did little for her confidence as she faced a battery of cameras waiting outside Goldsmiths Hall.