快好知 kuaihz

the majority of造句
31 No one can dispute the fact that men still hold the majority of public offices. 32 Why is it women that buy the majority of pop psychology, self-help manuals? 33 In the past, the majority of women were consigned to a lifetime of servitude and poverty. 34 The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans to build a by-pass. 35 The majority of offenders do not come from broken homes. 36 I do not think the article reflects the point of view of the majority of the population. 37 The majority of Brazil's huge commercial interests support the measure. 38 The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes. 39 The majority of people, when asked whether or not they are creative, will reply in the negative . 40 The majority of infants are biased towards being social rather than being antisocial. 41 The majority of the press support the Government's foreign policy. 42 The majority of smokers say that they would like to quit the habit. 43 Our party won the majority of seats on the city councils. 44 The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months. 45 The majority of young professionals in the capital have moved there from provincial towns. 46 The new exam mocked the needs of the majority of children. 47 The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left. 48 Part - time workers, the majority of whom are women, are doubly disadvantaged. 49 The majority of people in this country pay their whack. 50 The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group. 51 The new tax laws were rammed through regardless of the opposition of the majority of the people. 52 Paisley claims to speak for the majority of local people. 53 Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time. 54 It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home. 55 Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council. 56 The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. 57 The majority of foreign nationals working here have work permits. 58 A popular referendum showed that the majority of people want reform. 59 The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. 60 For the majority of Tanzanians, Swahili is their second language .