west end造句91. But in London we are apt to receive that sort of thing so coldly even in its proper place in the rallies of a harlequinade that there is no temptation to West End managers to condescend to it.
92. Far below I could hear the rumble of tube trains carrying commuters to the West End.
93. At the west end of the leafy Oregon State University campus, past the scholarly red-brick buildings, is a massive T-shaped steel shed in a giant paved lot.
94. Phileas Fogg rightly suspected that his departure from London would create sensation at the West End.
95. There were still crowds in the West End of London, despite the war.
96. The West End is full of hedge funds, oil barons and old money.
97. unveiled a plan to redevelop a site in London's West End. The firm expects overseas business to grow to 20 percent of its operating profit by 2016 from 7 percent now.