in flight造句31. The ball will curve from right to left in flight.
32. In flight, you immediately pushed the collective fully down to neutralize the pitch angle.
33. This indicated that neither of the two four-bladed propellers had disintegrated in flight.
34. One of the largest land birds of the region, showing much white on black-tipped wings in flight.
35. And there were those glorious sunrises in flight, breaking through the clouds.
36. At that time the Atlas ICBM was still in flight testing.
37. In flight school, we were instructed in the basics of aerial combat.
38. After all these years of watching birds of prey in flight, I still find that they will do something completely unexpected.
39. Both sexes show white wing patches in flight, looking rather like small Goldeneye.
40. The only small short-billed wader looking black and white both at rest and in flight; legs orange.
41. No gentile dared shelter refugees, nor could those in flight take along currency.
42. A form of strict liability is also created for damage caused by articles falling from an aircraft whilst in flight.
43. No black on wings and no long trailing legs distinguish them from all other large white birds in flight.
44. In flight the aeroplane is quiet and the cabin doors seal well.
45. At rest male's yellow wings and in flight white underwing contrasting strongly with black belly are useful pointers.
46. When a glider is on the ground it does not pivot around its c.g. as it does in flight.
47. Drake has low croon, duck a harsh wigeon-like quack: both make whistling sound in flight like Goldeneye.
48. Rises more steeply from water than most diving ducks, wings making a loud singing note in flight.
49. I had never experienced such a maneuver in flight school.
50. However, this also meant that a very small obstacle could deflect the bullet in flight.
51. The panel also called for expediting by five years deployment of a satellite-based computer network for guiding pilots in flight.
52. I had to seek safety in flight.
53. Airplanes may come apart in flight.
54. Aft cabin door open in flight.
55. How does a dragonfly twirl and dive in flight?
56. Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.
57. Astronauts in flight must adjust themselves to weightlessness.
58. Take the time to watch a seagull in flight.
59. An application in flight control system for UAV on AT 91 M 55800 A is described in this article.
60. Space weapons can electronically hijack a cruise missile in flight and redirect it.