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armed forces造句
61. The armed forces will take due care to avoid injury to civilians or their property. 37. 62. Traditional sources of pupils are drying up: for example, the children of people in the armed forces. 63. In the first year of the war, a million men enlisted in the armed forces. 64. His speech was warmly received and the marchers offered their complete support to the armed forces. 65. They had both served in the armed forces, and Nathan had been disabled as a result. 66. Corporal punishment became an issue both in the armed forces and the public schools. 67. Chatichai was forced to demote Chalerm in November after the armed forces had threatened to intervene. 68. They were to be abolished as part of a 50 percent reduction in the armed forces. 69. It contained representatives of the three Armed Forces and of all the political currents supporting the Nationalist cause. 70. The armed forces have worked to eliminate racism and sexism in their organizations. 71. Respirators were a nuisance; it was a punishable offence for any member of the armed forces to be caught without one. 72. In totalitarian states absolute control of information and the armed forces is the key to the survival of the despot. 73. The government has unveiled its plans for the future of Britain's armed forces. 74. Measures will be taken to help modernize the country's armed forces. 75. Professional and motivated as officers and commanders of the national armed forces might be, what of conscripts? 76. And with the police and most of the armed forces behind me, I was able to stop Ngune from seizing power. 77. The participating States will reflect in their laws or other relevant documents the rights and duties of armed forces personnel. 78. A nebulous collective leadership, including the chiefs of the powerful armed forces, may still be holding the balance of power. 79. The younger people had departed long ago for war work or service in the armed forces. 80. Moreira claimed that the changes had not produced ill feeling or unrest within the armed forces. 81. In every case involving armed forces personnel and their families, the benchmark must be the best practices found in civil society. 82. The armed forces are said to have sent an extra 2,000 troops to the border area, bringing the total to 3,500. 83. Powell wrote in the introduction that all the armed forces must work together as a team. 84. At first, he appeared to have no immediate plans to take on the armed forces. 85. Television commentary for a military parade in Rome last month hummed the glory and sacrifice of the armed forces. 86. Fidel has designated his brother Raul, now head of the armed forces, as his successor. 87. Some civilians are upset at the prospect of sharing power with the armed forces, even in an advisory capacity. 88. They even had some control over their own finances and their own armed forces. 89. There is, and it is very important, a joking relationship, not unlike that in the armed forces and elsewhere. 90. What practical advice could the armed forces offer to some one who contemplated taking out a private prosecution?