configured造句(121) If the LDAP client and NIS client are configured on the same machine, then users are not able to create users from the AIX LDAP client.
(122) Once your network settings are configured, there are several options for transferring files.
(123) VigilX is a scalable and modular system which can be readily configured to meet the individual needs of specific rotary or fixed wing platforms.
(124) Once devfs is configured correctly, which involves adding devfs support to the kernel as well as performing a number of semi-tricky changes to startup scripts, the superuser reboots the system.
(125) DMMP can also be configured in active/active mode in which I/O is spread over all the paths in a round-robin fashion.
(126) As the Address component is configured to be lazily loaded more SQL queries are run to fetch the required data i.e. first the Person and then his Address.
(127) Upon reaching each of these configured levels an alarm relay and a shutdown relay accordingly will energize.
(128) The server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.
(129) The data binding is configured with the appropriate map names, which are invoked at run time to convert the native data to the data object format, and vice versa.
(130) Drag to indicate a selection. Shape can be configured as a check mark or a cross.
(131) Since no security is configured for any of the EJB methods, all the methods are accessible and are invoked as an Unauthenticated user.
(132) Drag to add editable selection shape that can be configured a check mark or a cross.
(133) Most Filters can be configured to do seperate DSP on each Channel.
(134) Now that we've discussed the key elements to an environment that uses local mail replicas, let's have a look at how it is created and configured.
(135) When configured in medium security mode, the dynamic routing information is obtained and used by the secure proxy server.
(136) Note that after each host is entered, the DB2 installation program does validation checking to ensure everything is configured properly for the new host, as shown in Figure 15.
(137) On Windows Vista and Windows 2008, Windows Firewall, by default, blocks all incoming traffic unless it is solicited or it matches a configured rule.
(138) The ring - shaped source electrode is configured on the grid insulation layer.
(139) If you call the above code repeatedly, this count may reach the backout threshold configured on the destination, at which point the messages will be re-queued and no longer available for receipt.
(140) Configuration changes to the buffer pool, the use of multiple servers, and even the use of RAM disk showed that changes in how memory was configured could help overall performance.
(141) All client connections can be configured with a default channel and alternative channels if that configuration fails.
(142) Preferably, the male engagement device includes a pin configured to pass through the inner cuff button hole and then the outer cuff fabric before engaging the female engagement device.
(143) An operation panel (5), a guide rating plate (6) and a switch substrate (18) are configured between a switch box (2) and a decoration cover (3) in a superposed way.
(144) It can be configured to offload cache to disk if the memory cache is full (via the disk offload function).
(145) My goal is to McBSP configured as SPI - compatible interface.
(146) One unusual acoustic feature is the insertion of keyboard percussion group which is configured after a gamelan section ensemble, a refreshing orchestral sound is resulted.
(147) The modem is not configured correctly. For troubleshooting information, click Help.
(148) If you now run your application using mvn tomcat:run, you will not see any logs on the console because you have not configured any bean to monitor.
(149) The sense amplifier further comprises a switch circuit configured to switch between the first and second sensing elements when an offset of the sense amplifier is greater than a prescribed amount.
(150) Automatic link generator to create shortcuts to the configured presets.