快好知 kuaihz

(1) No one is either a complete protectionist or a complete free trader. (2) It is generally recognised that protectionist policies lead to inflationary pressures on the economy. (3) Signs of a policy shift towards a more protectionist approach have already been detected. (4) Persistently high unemployment fuels protectionist tendencies. (5) They claim such tariffs are in effect protectionist measures. (6) Advocates of free trade, anti - protectionist tariff policy. (7) They also warn againsturge to place protectionist barriers up. (8) It'should also avoid protectionist trade measures at all costs. (9) The report notes a general absence in projectionist protectionist policies despite the global economic recession. (10) But the biggest reason why the protectionist impulse was neutered was that policymakers found alternative ways of creating jobs and growth, through fiscal and monetary measures. (11) And added that its trade group worried about protectionist tendencies. (12) These are the arguments behind an increasingly protectionist mood in Washington. (13) Either way, the risks of a protectionist backlash against China would rise. (14) There already strong protectionist pressures in countries such as Italy and France. (15) And this week, protectionist tensions rose to the surface in both countries. (16) This is the sort of protectionist tosh that most industries have not dared utter in public since the 1970s. (17) There was considerable applause from his listeners as he advanced his familiar protectionist argument. (18) But he needs more time to undo the barriers built by decades of isolation and protectionist legislation. (19) These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries. (20) The evidence for this is that, in the past, such agreements helped to entrench protectionist policies. (21) Just occasionally, however, the commodity price movements provided a window of opportunity to relax the highly protectionist policies. (22) This success has been achieved despite the discriminatory tax regimes which are plainly protectionist. (23) They accused Clinton of using moralistic language to cloak protectionist policies aimed at restricting imports from Third World countries. (24) I would take another bet that the response of the core countries would be protectionist. (25) If Pat Buchanan has a beef with trade policy, Iowa is a strange place to press his protectionist case. (26) Fortunately, neither Clinton nor Dole would return to the protectionist policies that proved so detrimental in the past. (27) While poor countries have liberalised their markets, rich nations have remained protectionist, especially in areas such as textiles and agriculture. (28) In the United States, meanwhile, yuan weakness is regarded as a protectionist policy that threatens the U.S. recovery. (29) They are then exporting unemployment. If the countries with massive surpluses allow this to occur they cannot be surprised if deficit countries even resort to protectionist measures. (30) Already China is squabbling fiercely with Asian neighbors as protectionist talk around the world rises alarmingly.