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financial information造句
1. Your financial information is fully encrypted and cannot be accessed. 2. B in markets for news and financial information. 3. CompuServe is serious, a great place for financial information or technical advice about your computer. 4. The financial information on credit reports, such as bank accounts and loans, is tightly regulated. 5. Management accountants are to analyze and interpret the financial information corporate executives need to make sound business decisions. 6. It even went so far as to share financial information that previously had been restricted to management. 7. The international news and financial information agency said it was bringing forward to April 5 the 15.9p per share payout. 8. Financial information Information of a financial type is kept up-to-date by five of the six departments on a continuous basis. 9. Barneys does not disclose financial information because it is privately held. 10. To provide financial information useful for determining and predicting the economic condition of the governmental unit and changes therein. 11. As noted in Section 5.1.3, financial information is required by planners at the corporate level. 12. Anyone who discloses financial information via the internet is vulnerable to fraud or electronic mix-ups. 12.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 13. Their role as financial information providers is permeating all aspects of business. 14. This is largely financial information and it is helpful that investors also understand what the management is like, etc. 15. It provides immediate access complex management and financial information. 16. Compile and analyze financial information accounts , such as general ledger accounts, documenting business transactions. 17. It was sent after bondholders complained they were not getting as much financial information as other lenders. 18. The following day, the ex-quarterback was asked to submit financial information. 19. The key area in which these ultra-current databases flourish is the field of financial information. 20. Careful consideration should be given to the timing of the release of both beneficial and potentially awkward financial information. 21. The fundamental selectivity issue which can occur when graphing financial information is the basis of deciding whether or not to use graphs. 22. Then she remembered a binder that held personal and financial information. 23. They also said that most board members were kept in the dark about important financial information. 24. The three concerns will focus on high-growth information markets, financial information services and consumer-product market research. 25. More people are being exposed to higher levels of financial information than ever before. 26. The board usually has little credibility; there is little reliable financial information, no management, assets or money. 27. There appeared to have been a possibility that, contrary to correct practice, financial information had passed between the two men. 28. In the operation of modern companies, as an connatural right of shareholders, the right to know the financial information is being attached with more attention gradually. 29. Perfect financial control system can guarantee the creditability of financial information, and make up for unperfectness of financial contract and asymmetry of accountability. 30. New enterprise accounting code normalizes accounting information of enterprises and provides possible means for enterprises to whitewash financial information.