快好知 kuaihz

1. The main orchestral brass instruments are the horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba. 2. I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days. 3. This completes our brief description of the orchestral brass. 4. Event: Outdoor orchestral concert with fireworks. 5. Eventually, there is a big orchestral opus. 6. The orchestral playing is superb. 7. The orchestral musicians were filing out, also formally dressed. 8. Wigglesworth has strong feelings about orchestral training. 9. All the orchestral music from 1784 onwards is conceived in broader strokes, while the solo parts become ever more complex. 10. But he conducted the preludes and important orchestral episodes with admirable breadth and dramatic zeal. 11. The styles change, from tribal rhythms and orchestral maneuvers to avant-garde rock fusion; but the impulse toward expression remains constant. 12. Today, orchestral musicians wish to assert their identities again, to escape the thrall of the baton at last. 13. The orchestral textures vary subtly and the music is alive with incident-written and improvised. 14. Later he became chairman of the orchestral committee for the Leeds music festival. 15. The door was open and orchestral music could be heard from a radio somewhere within. 16. As in other orchestral sections jazz has played a very important part in developing and even inventing new effects. 17. With the symphony, finally, came large-scale orchestral music large-scale in the number of instruments and in the number of listeners. 18. The orchestral world is rife with three-minute fanfares, five-minute fantasies and other musical minutiae. 19. Nothing obscures the outlines of an orchestral passage more than a drum roll on an unrelated note. 20. The orchestral accompaniment her was again alert, matching the pianist's skill in fine style. 21. There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty. 22. Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage? 23. He was also a noisy eater, as if providing an orchestral accompaniment for his brother. 24. Their collaborations set unsurpassed standards for jazz in an orchestral setting and for jazz soloists. 25. Some houses, like La Scala, are very good for opera but terrible for orchestral music. 26. The daunting concertante piano part is well integrated into the burgeoning orchestral texture, and sharply articulated by Love Derwinger. 27. Instrument names are never written next to the individual lines, as in modern orchestral scores. 28. However, the growing number of students with instrumental proficiency in recent years has meant an increasing concentration on orchestral work. 29. Smolsky has composed in most of the major genres, although the Olympia selection concentrates solely on his orchestral output. 30. The contrasting forces, ranging between solo countertenor and lute and full orchestral complement, rivet the attention.