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1, Was Donggou porphyry Mo deposit derived from Taishanmiao batholith? 2, In many porphyry copper deposits, additional enrichment of the metal has been caused by surficial weathering. 3, The Bayan Bold gold deposit is of porphyry - type related to adakite. 4, The Yichun Luming molybdenum ore is a big porphyry deposits. 5, The deposit is a structure zone porphyry alteration type gold deposit. 6, Dating of the hidden granite porphyry confines the age of Neozoic sedimentary stratum and also provides a basis for timing of intracontinental extension in northern Tibet. 7, The Zhengchong rare-metal greisen porphyry occurs in the Yanshanian Jinjiling composite granitic batholith. It is rich in Li, Rb, Sn, Cs and W: thus the rock body is just an ore body. 8, By studying on porphyry property of geology, petrochemistry, trace element and so on, the paper concludes that porphyry bodies on Ninglang Himalayan porphyry belt are pay ones. 9, The diabase, lamprophyre, granite porphyry and quartz veins are formed after Variscan period. 10, Porphyry rocks in this belt are intermediate - acid rocks of calc - alkaline series. 11, The Xifanping porphyry copper deposit is located in the southwestern Sichuan Province. 12, Dexing Copper Mine is an especially large porphyry copper mine in the world. 13, Granite and alabaster were also imported with precious materials such as porphyry to give richness and lustre to interiors. 14, Very low-grade disseminated copper mineralisation may reflect the eroded deep levels of a copper porphyry system. 15, The writers think of the two-pyroxene granulite enclaves as the undissolved renains while some kind of basic rock in crust is partly dissolving and after the mid-acid porphyry formed. 16, Neutro- acid batholith of Yanshan stage is the parent rock of small metallogenetic rock which is the metallogenetic parent rock of porphyry - type molybdenum deposit. 17, The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet - dissemi - nated type. 18, The ore bodies are confined to Yanshanian metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry and felsite. 19, Its heat reservoir is composed of Yanshanian granite - porphyry and tuff of Mesozoic. 20, Structure trending in NNE direction, old structure in EW direction, new structure in EW as well as local NNW trending structure and arc structure occur in and near Mushan porphyry body. 21, Therefore, the illite polytype might be an effective indictor for mineralization of porphyry copper deposit. 22, The Yefushan rock mass is mainly composed of quartz syenite porphyry. 23, There exist quite a few deep xenoliths in silicified aegirine syenite porphyry within Jinhe intrusive body of Jianchuan, western Yunnan Province. 24, There are many deep xenoliths in silicified aegirine syenite porphyry of Xiaoqiaotou area,[http:///porphyry.html] western Yunnan Province. 25, Nanliang complex is mainly composed of porphyritic granite, granophyre, rhyolite - porphyry and rhyolitic agmatite-lava. 26, And so the mineralogist considers the relatively formless marble as a special formation of rock, differing from other equally special formations, such as sandstone or porphyry. 27, The inner, outside contact zone between Himalayan ultra-epizonal syenite porphyry, Indosinian volcanic rocks of liparite porphyry-dacite series and strata is very advantageous to the metallogenesis. 28, The mineralization and the alteration types are clearly distributed around the hornblende quartz diorite porphyry intrusion. 29, Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan. 30, According to the isotope determination data of the primary sulfide from the vein and rock, it is suggested that the vein′s sulfur source is similar to granite porphyry and quartz diorite.