快好知 kuaihz

1 The trypsin turnover rate, however, was not significantly changed. 2 Taihunosin is a competitive inhibitor of trypsin. 3 The activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in BIF depended on the kinds of cattle and feeds before slaughter. 4 The second enzyme ( 0.25 % trypsin ) was used to dissociate RPE cells. 5 In this paper the isolation and identification of trypsin inhibitors from porcine pancreas by CM -and DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange chromatography have been reported. 6 Inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor could and fodder's food nutritional value and edible security. 7 Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were separated by trypsin digestion and differential adhesion and divided into two groups, cells were treated with 5 - bromo deoxyuridine (5-Brdu) as Control group. 8 Results 0.25 % ? 0.2 % trypsin can clean up lens epithelial cells from anterior capsules totally. 9 Trypsin was covalently linked with chemical modified granule chitosan and was used to isolate and purify aprotinin from the extract of cattle lungs by affinity chromatography. 10 Conclusions: Infant foreskins treated with dispase and trypsin and cultured with 254 containing HMGS,[www.] were suitable for melanocyte culture. 11 Low concentration and shortened time of trypsin digestion and mechanical dissociation were adopted to conduct culture. 12 Biochemical pharmaceutical preparations workshop main products are trypsin, stomach enzymes and pharmaceutical intermediates, and so on. 13 This implies that the antibody is recognising an epitope that is cleaved by one of the digestive enzymes pepsin or trypsin. 14 Patients after acute pancreatitis had slower duodenal juice protein and amylase turnover rates but trypsin turnover was not different with controls. 15 Montgomery etal isolated cells from 18 day fetal rat intestine by trypsin dissociation. 16 Objective : To study the effect of different carriers on the enzymatic characteristics of immobilizing trypsin. 17 Binding affinities of a series of benzamide inhibitors for trypsin were evaluated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a linear response approach. 18 Methods: The effect of conjugated bile acids on the rate of protein hydrolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin was examined in vitro. 19 Epidermis was separated from dermis, cut into pieces, digested with 0.25 % trypsin for about 5 - 7 mins. 20 In this paper, the enzymatic degradation of succinylated gelatin with trypsin was studied. 21 In order to eliminate the allergens in South American shrimp, proteases such as trypsin, papain and bromelain were individually used to hydrolyze South American shrimp proteins. 22 The results showed that the matrix can adsorb L-asparaginase and recover high enzymic activity, The immobilize enzyme was more stable against trypsin than native enzyme. 23 Methods Dorsal root ganglions (DRG) from rat embryos were isolated under microscope and dissociated in trypsin. The dissociated neurons were treated with 5-fluorouracil for purification. 24 The aim of the paper was to study the inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor by ferrisulphas. 25 The dynamic changes of the plasma and the tissue lipidpcroxidant(LPO) in the rats with experimental acute necro—hemorrhagic pancreatitis induced by bile salt and trypsin were observed. 26 To hydrolyze the sea cucumber collagen, four proteases are used as follows:3942 neutral proteinase, trypsin, papain, bromelain. 27 SAP models were established by injecting 5% sodium taurocholate and trypsin into the main pancreatic duct. 28 Trypsin exists in fish's pancreas with inactive zymogen, which is activated by enterokinase or trypsin, and its molecular structure has changed from trypsinogen to trypsin. 29 Testes from 18-day-old embryonic chickens were used to isolate seminiferous epithelial cells by sequential two-step enzyme digestion with collagenase and trypsin. 30 The binding affinities of a series of benzamide inhibitors with trypsin were evaluated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with a linear response approach.