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national income造句
1. Between 1929 and 1933 America's national income fell by more than half. 2. Damped cyclical variation in national income. 3. This will cause a multiplied rise in national income. 4. Cyclical variations in consumption, investment and national income following an increase in autonomous investment - explosive case. 5. Net national product exceeds national income by the amount of indirect business taxes-sales and excise taxes, primarily. 6. Labor income was about 80 percent of total national income. 7. First, revisions to the national income accounts will be described, quantified and analysed. 8. Government growth projections for National Income have been notoriously unreliable, often excessively optimistic. 9. For example, a rise in national income will cause L 1 to increase, and thus L will shift to the right. 10. Consider the problems involved in using national income statistics to make international comparisons of living standards. 4. 11. Table 4. National income and the average propensity to consume in the United States, 1869- 1928. 12. He predicted a 25 percent fall in national income by the end of the year if drastic steps were not taken. 12.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 13. Nevertheless, the share of national income going to government spending on goods and services is now falling. 14. The national income, too, is hard to calculate exactly in the frequent absence of reliable national statistics. 15. First, the Keynesian function includes current national income, whereas Friedman is using permanent income as a proxy for total wealth. 16. National income is the value of the actual amount produced and so is necessarily equal to the national product and expenditure. 17. Similarly, the National Income Accounting framework does not directly generate estimates of employment. 18. The chart shows government spending expressed as a proportion of national income. 19. But agriculture and industry together account for two-thirds of national income and four-fifths of national employment opportunities. 20. Between 1850 and 1914 population doubled, urban population tripled and national income more than tripled. 21. In all three approaches, we have examined the effects on money national income of changes in the money supply. 22. Britain may be odd in spending such a low percentage of its national income on health. 23. This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other. 24. The second-round effect of the increased government expenditure will be a further increase in national income of £40 million. 25. Column 3 shows in both absolute and relative terms the portion of the national income originating in the various industries. 26. This will increase disposable income so that consumption spending will rise at every level of national income. 27. Actually, estimates for the ratio of public spending to National Income vary widely, depending on the definitions used for each item. 28. The second row of Table 16-1 shows that government spending on transfer payments has also risen faster than national income. 29. Condition 1 Equilibrium in the goods market requires that aggregate demand should equal national income. 30. That means that the ratio of our debt to our national income is coming down.