flexible working hours造句1. Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.
2. Many mothers prefer flexible working hours .
3. Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.
4. Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal, in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken.
5. Unions would like more flexible working hours to replace the nine-to-five, forty hour week.
6. Can meet flexible working hours.
7. More could be done to encourage flexible working hours and spread the traffic load.
8. The decision to introduce job sharing grew out of a general desire for flexible working hours.
9. An outside problem can sometimes be helped by, say, more flexible working hours and so be resolved at management level.
10. Flexible Hours Question: Has consideration been given to the introduction of flexible working hours?
11. Temporary hire of employment which belongs to non - regular employment with flexible working hours and payment.
12. She can spend more time with her child because of her flexible working hours.