快好知 kuaihz

1. What induced you to do such a foolish thing? 2. We induced him to come with us. 3. Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins. 4. They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom. 5. What induced you to do such a stupid thing? 6. In this hospital, twins are often induced. 7. Her illness was induced by overwork. 8. She had to be induced because the baby was four weeks late. 9. An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game. 10. Labour was induced when the baby was ten days overdue. 11. More than 4,000 teachers were induced to take early retirement. 12. People are always induced by advertisements to buy things they don't really need. 13. Eileen suffered a similarly induced trauma. 14. Future fertility was not related to induced abortion. 14.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 15. Statistics do not distinguish between induced and spontaneous abortions. 16. Ulcers are induced by irradiation of the lower mediastinum. 17. Ten patients had hypoxaemic events induced by epileptic seizures. 18. Whatever induced her to buy such an expensive car? 19. It is induced by daylength cues. 20. This notion merely induced derisive laughter. 21. The role of the increased serum gastrin concentration induced by H pylori in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease is also unknown. 22. The subsequent relapse rate after elemental diet induced remission, however, is greater than after treatment with prednisolone. 23. But Mr Burke said whilst labour was being induced Mrs Busuttil was given a drug to hasten the process. 24. Mechanisation itself has, apart from the habitat changes it has induced, had little direct effect on birds in Sussex. 25. These results suggest the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation and subsequently developed mucosal haemorrhagic lesion. 26. As Douglas Guerero, in charge of the literacy campaign pointed out, this' has not been induced by the institutions themselves. 27. She might have had an unknown liver defect or the symptoms were induced by the drug. 28. But to me despair is a permanent part of man, induced by that spectre of three-score years and ten. 29. Eight patients have required emergency surgery coinciding with the unrestricted reintroduction of food after remission induced by diet. 30. This, as far as we know, is the first reported case of the combination of gold induced and infective colitis.