快好知 kuaihz

only when造句
151. He strode across the marble floor and stopped only when he reached the lift gates. 152. Use complex words only when you need a precise meaning and a simple word will not serve the purpose. 153. Only when you walk out of the sunshine into the shaded interior can you see what lies behind the glass. 154. Only when he stooped and some lire changed hands did she realise that he must be intending to walk back. 155. But only when a ray of light attempts to pierce this darkness does the real, eerie action unroll. 156. In the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha. Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him.Osho 157. In fact, a Harvard spokesman confirmed her admittance only when asked directly. 158. He sets up meetings but does not turn up, sends delegates instead, turns up only when not expected. 159. Only when he was naked did he take the edge of the covers and draw them gently off her body. 160. It is only when an action or a meeting moves us that we can find joy. 161. Or should it be raised only when a family member needs a transplant? 162. In order to avoid booby-trapping ourselves, then, we must understand that drive is healthy only when married to desire. 164. There is no rudder as such, so the craft can be steered only when under power. 165. Thus, noncontinuous emission limitations were appropriate only when continuous controls were infeasible. 166. Only when the animals were seriously maltreated was any inspection or prosecution called for. 167. The damage, however , often begins only when a survivor is extricated.