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main memory造句
61. This thesis provides a method of organizing the shadow memory of main memory database. Detailed storage structure and access strategy are also included. 62. Thus, both data reading and main memory allocation have much influence on simplification efficiency. 63. The memory-diagnostic unit causes the second processor to execute a memory-diagnostic program to diagnose the main memory, and identifies a defective area in the main memory. 64. Analyzing principle of fault detection in main memory based on characteristic matrix, the paper introduces the condition and methods of detecting address bit and data bit. 65. PRISMA/DB is a parallel, main memory relational database management system. Its design is characterized by two main ideas. 66. Exploiting the feature of main memory database, we put forward pre-analysis based conflict-free concurrency algorithm by determining the read and write set of the transaction in advance. 67. Similar to relational systems, RTQP provides an algorithm for saving main memory space under the MMDB, and a query optimization integrated the rules in RTDBs and the GAs. 68. The Short Message Center mainly includes: SM protocol module, Forward signal module, Main memory database module,[www.] SMPP module and so on. 69. EA stands for effective address, which is a main memory address as viewed from the main PPE program. 70. The time during which the next instruction is fetched from main memory and interpreted by the processor's instruction control unit. 71. Due to the latency difference between main memory and on-chip memory cache, POWER7 was designed with three levels of on-chip cache (see Figure 1).