communication system造句1. The natural communication system for humans is speech, not typing messages on keyboards and watching messages on television screens.
2. The communication system division, which makes products ranging from fax machines to cordless telephones, employs 8, 500.
3. The third security concept is the electronic two-way communication system.
4. The electronic one-way communication system is more than just a lock system.
5. When logged into his two-way communication system, you will be amazed at his love and understanding.
6. The panels can be used as a visual communication system for stricken users when computer systems fail.
7. Norstan is an information technology, networking and communication system business based in Minneapolis.
8. Effect of the atmospheric turbulence on laser communication system.
9. These modern installations affect tremendously the entire communication system.
10. An intelligent infrared data communication system is introduced.
11. Data communication system, method, apparatus and digital interface.
12. Communication system, communication terminal, routing control method, and router.
13. Demodulation is the critical technology in communication system.
14. Application of Computer Secret Communication System in Information Transfer.
15. Logging data communication system is researched in this paper.
16. Effect of atmospheric turbulence on laser communication system.
17. Data communication system, information processing device and method, recording medium and program.
18. The bit error rate of an atmospheric laser communication system is affected by not only vibration amplitude but also the aperture of optical transmitting antenna.
19. Today , in CDMA communication system, we use duality sequence as address code.
20. In electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)testing of vehicle communication system, intermodulation interference between vehicle radio stations is a very important content.
21. Submarine laser communication system can be divided into two kinds, which are satellite laser communication and airborne laser communication.
22. In phase-coherent communication system, phase-locked loop is always used to yield coherent reference signal.
23. This is a small but vital component of the communication system.
24. Further, it has never been shown that group tasks require a communication system anywhere near as complicated as human language.
25. The telephone is used with the explosion-proof coupling of BOH-1 and connect to program controlled switch to form explosion-proof communication system.
26. Obviously, WAMS needs a high - quality and real - time communication system to support it.
27. LMDS is the broadband wireless point - to - multipoint communication system operating above 20 GHz.
28. The "waggle dance" of honeybees is one of nature's great wonders: a sophisticated communication system that conveys distances and directions from the hive to sources of nectar.
29. Light source, modulator , fiber and photo - detect devices are absolutely necessary for optical communication system.
30. It is a network society in its global connection to the global networked economy and to the global communication system.