watson造句(151) In her work, she has found that people who devote five hours or more per week to such action games for a year show the same heightened performance abilities as Watson and Strayer's supertaskers.
(152) There are some Spidey fans who think Kirsten Dunst, who may come back to play Mary Jane Watson, would be better suited to play a new villain called Snaggletooth, but that is highly unlikely.
(153) IBM's solution seems to be the most mature so far being based on Watson technology, an AI system that beat two of the best Jeopardy!
(154) In simulated driving tests, anyway. The research by University of Utah psychologists Jason Watson and David Strayer will be published in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
(155) Blackwood is executed by hanging, and declared dead by Dr. Watson himself.
(156) But by cooperating with Maurice Wilkins, a scientist at a rival lab in London, Watson and Crick learned of experimental evidence that enabled them to clinch their discovery.
(157) The arrival of electronics allowed Tom Watson to build on the past, yet toss out what had become stale -- in this case, IBM's reliance on punched-card machines.
(158) In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as “eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.
(159) Mister Watson and Mister Crick said nothing about this picture in their famous paper.
(160) The Centre for Food Safety in Hong Kong advised people not to consume 2 types of Isotone Sports Drinks sold in Watson due to the detection of fungus in them, local media reported.
(161) Taking a break from her busy job as principal at Brentano Math and Science Academy, Georgette Watson would wander into the preschool room next door to her office.
(162) Several years after ramming the Sierra, Watson gave himself the title of captain, though he does not have a captain's license.
(163) Obviously Daniel and Emma Watson are under more pressure to keep a squeaky - clean image.
(164) The discovery brought and fortune to scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Willkins.
(165) Laura Watson of Huntsville, Alabama holds her protective footwear while her friend Sandee Riopka shows off the oil stains on her rubber boots.
(166) First we need a computer that doesn't give Toronto as an answer to a clue about "U.S. Cities,[www.] " as Watson memorably did for Final Jeopardy in the first game.
(167) Watson got off to a slow start during the three-day trivia tournament staged at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
(168) Miranda Watson, director of communications at the British Lung Foundation, said: "For patients with the dangerous sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnoea, this study will come as no surprise.
(169) Watson, 18, will play Betsy Balcombe, a young, impetuous noblewoman trapped on the isolated British island of St. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there.
(170) A few years ago, Dr. Richard Gibbs, director of Baylor's Human Genome Sequencing Center, asked Lupski to participate in sequencing the genome of James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
(171) The other day, a slave trader came to Miss Watson.
(172) Watson Research Center, where he researched bubble memory, which records data by magnetizing small circles on gadolinium gallium garnet.
(173) Remember: The accents of Julie Andrews or Emma Watson (Hermione from 'Harry Potter') are quite different from those of Jamie Oliver and Simon Cowell (Sussex) or Billy Connolly (Scottish).
(174) In the second round, Watson beat the others to the buzzer in 24 out of 30 Double Jeopardy questions.
(175) She might have shared the Nobel Prize with Watson, Crick and Wikins.
(176) But as Conan Doyle made abundantly clear in the first novel (A Study in Scarlet) that Holmes and Watson had not previously met, diehards don't hold this movie in the same regard as some of the others.
(177) It was the beginning of the end and Watson duly went on to win his fourth Open Golf Championship.
(178) In 1953, Watson and Crick set forth their hypothesis for the double - helical nature of DNA.
(179) Rothberg invented another DNA sequencing machine, called the 454, which was used to sequence the genome of James Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
(180) Francis Watson was far from being merely a furniture expert.