parallel processing造句61 High performance concurrency control can improve parallel processing capabilities while decreasing perceived interactive time.
62 It is now well known that Cayley graphs play a very important role in the design and analysis of interconnection networks for parallel processing and of local area communication networks.
63 Aim at the request of STATOM to the trigger pulse generator, uses CPLD to be high speed, the parallel processing ability, designed the STATCOM pulse generator.
64 Parallel processing is the most important peculiarity in this design.
65 For example, DB2 supports massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture and can run on a single partition (EE) or multiple partitions (EEE).
66 However, for parallel processing in a multicomputer , no communication is impossible.
67 Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation - intense task.
68 The main difficulties of parallel processing are algorithms and software.
69 IRAMs are also the ideal building block for parallel processing.
70 This paper presents a design method of parallel processing application on multi - channel low - intermediate - frequency ( LIF ) digital receiver.
71 The parallel processing network makes the - adaptation of the membership functions and the - organization logic rules possible.
72 The soft architecture framework is proposed, which is combined by a modular design method and parallel processing software technology based on the characteristics of open numerical controlled system.