快好知 kuaihz

1. This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology. 2. We have awarded the contract to a British shipyard. 3. The shipyard has a total workforce of 9,000. 4. George was a fitter at the shipyard. 5. He was employed as an electrician at the shipyard. 6. The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract. 7. Another large shipyard on the Clyde is at Greenock. 8. Mr Walesa began working at the shipyard in 1967. 9. Striking workers armed with steel pipes patrolled the shipyard. 10. Other private operations at the shipyard include an artists' colony, ship repair and several warehouse operations. 11. Each brokerage Jongert is covered by a six-month shipyard guarantee and is backed by our comprehensive and reliable after sales service. 12. Without new orders, the shipyard would have run out of work by the end of next year. 13. First, the shipyard workers were ex-posed to the deadly blue and brown varieties of asbestos, and in extraordinarily high concentrations. 14. Many, like Ronnie Collyer, a retired shipyard worker, still live here and are still proud of the place. 15. It plans to reopen the shipyard tomorrow. 16. It was named Dongfeng Shipyard. 17. The shipyard workers laid down a new ship. 18. The shipyard workers launched the first freighter in 1920. 18. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 19. They launched a ship from a shipyard. 20. A new battleship was launched from a shipyard. 21. The loss of this contract could signal the end of the line for the shipyard. 22. Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard. 23. But even without a personal shrine, Mr Walesa should feel right at home in the shipyard. 24. There is a tendency for people to approach this matter as though it were one entirely for the shipyard concerned. 25. He was instrumental in landing the $ 23 billion Aegis destroyer program for the shipyard in Bath, Maine, last year. 26. Other features of Main Street include the village school, the Wesleyan chapel and the shipyard. 27. The navy says that burial at sea is less expensive, demands less shipyard work, and is isolated from human activity. 28. Washed his face and hands in the kitchen sink, threw away the name of the shipyard foreman. 29. China would probably build a carrier at the Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard. 30. The inventor of the Slinky was a retired Navy engineer named Richard James, who worked in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.