moscow造句1. Britain's ambassador in Moscow has refused to comment.
2. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
3. When America boycotted the Moscow Olympics it cheapened the medals won.
4. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington.
5. They are filming in Moscow right now.
6. He reopened ties with Moscow earlier this year.
7. Moscow is a very cold place in winter.
8. They returned to Moscow on 22 September 1930.
9. It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow.
10. It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow.
11. He had spent the war years in Moscow.
12. We are in direct communication with Moscow.
13. Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.
14. Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.
15. Moscow is running critically low on food supplies.
16. The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.
17. I stopped in Moscow only to change planes.
18. He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow.
19. Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.
20. Mr Baker flew in from Moscow.
21. Readjust your watch. You are now on Moscow time.
22. The initiative to re-open negotiations came from Moscow.
23. I bought a set of nesting dolls in Moscow.
24. He joined a flying school in Moscow.
25. The Moscow Symphony Orchestra is here on tour.
26. A church in Moscow became a repository for police files.
27. He fell into the icy waters of the Moscow river.
28. The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow.
29. They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.
30. He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.