快好知 kuaihz

all manner of造句
31 Despite this the Duma was reduced from a legislative to a consultative body and hedged by all manner of restrictions. 32 Correlations between behaviour and exposure are open to all manner of interpretation. 33 Wildlife in the Soviet Union is exploited in all manner of ways. 34 It was full of people with disabilities, deaf people, people in wheelchairs and all manner of others. 35 Or April, when all manner of little things nudge their way towards the sun. 36 As it was, all manner of sophisticated tests failed to reveal the cause of the tinnitus. 37 The chocolate recipes are particularly inspiring, but the book also includes a bundle of recipes featuring all manner of fruit. 38 Traditional boundaries between the counties were ignored so that all manner of sporting and social organizations were threatened with disturbance. 39 The importance of readability has been upheld for so long that all manner of methods have been devised for its measurement. 40 In contrast, she was an oven, a hothouse for all manner of cultivations. 41 Since the cage was installed, all manner of people fell by. 42 His bearded, ruddy face looks out in all manner of advertising, barroom testimonials, shirts and other tourist items. 43 I saw ships and all manner of boats, and I was surprised by all the greenery just below the window. 44 He was a gang leader, the most resourceful designer and executor of all manner of dangerous fun. 45 The objects left in the churchyard were open to all manner of interpretation and imagination could run riot. 46 These warm waters were cloudy with plank ton and protozoa and all manner of organic murk. 47 Impressionism begat post-impressionism, which begat cubism, which sired futurism, expressionism and all manner of errant abstractions. 48 Glover felt hot under the collar; it would seem that all manner of deranged people were managing to outsmart him. 49 Health food stores promote all manner of herbs to prevent colds. 50 Science vainly struggles to keep up, offering hypotheses implicating all manner of causes and suggesting all manner of effects. 51 The combination makes it a destination offering all manner of activities, from mountain climbing to beachcombing. 52 That neutrality is often criticized as hypocritical: all manner of metaphysical conclusions-as above-are usually taken as gospel. 53 Written on the boxes is all manner of strange titles, fantastic claims and arcane technical terms. 54 He is by all manner of means a gentleman. 55 Tears are produced by the lachrymal and meibomian glands and contain all manner of chemicals, including proteins, enzymes and metabolic waste products. 56 They keep the masses in line by threatening them (us) with all manner of horrible outcomes if we dare to step out of line. 57 All manner of cries were scattered through the din: " We're getting rich -- TWO Symbols of Incorruptibility! 58 The giant snakehead is a carnivorous fish that feasts on pretty much anything in its path, and has caused all manner of destruction in places where it has been introduced. 59 Since you're breaking the law anyway by smuggling contraband, you might as well trick out your starship with all manner of illegal modifications. 60 Be doubly careful. I'm sure all manner of stupid mousetrap await our toes in the dark.