tab key造句 31) Press the Tab key to see a list of images to boot and the original terse LILO text prompt boot:. 32) Within some shells, zsh included, you can complete a file or command by pressing the TAB key. 33) Try one: If you type git branch followed by the Tab key, the Git plug-in lists the available branches. Other plug-ins exist for Mac OS X, Ruby on Rails development, MySQL, and more.英文造句electric socketinvertibilityconnecting wireteraibackpressuretolkiensalad greenswith deliberationreview processcoffee treeself-humiliationbe suggestive ofbad stateecumenicexpatiatorysixpackentericssensitive analysisdegree programnewton"s lawcomplex taskpenesin bad repairtouristedkitchen stovespiritualizationtallinnleviablestraitness