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1. The same holds true for the three P.wickerhamii introns. 2. In intron 16 one site has transition heterozygote. 3. An image processing category, intron rich variety of image processing methods. 4. To understand intron 15 of human LDL receptor gene, the DNA fragments from exon 15 to exon 16 and the 3' end of intron 15 were amplified with long chain PCR and anchored PCR. 5. Conclusion IL-1RA intron 2 VNTR gene polymorphism were different in different ethnic populations, and might not be associated with cervical cancer in Chinese Northeast district. 6. Intron is a redundant expression for individual and attached to its algorithm tree, which makes the individual swelling but has no effect to the final output. 7. In this study, CHD gene intron sequences of 18 species of predatory birds were compared and analyzed. 8. Initial analysis indicates that genome size and intron density is positively correlated to total intron size. 9. A base C deleted in the intron 4 of IGFBP3 gene was detected, and association analysis showed that the body weight with genotype AA were significant higher than that of genotype AB and genotype BB. 10. Functions : Intron Manzanilla and other plant extracts the essence can promote with microcirculation, supplementary the eye water, eliminate bags under the eyes and Black and ease eye fatigue. 11. Conclusion: The expression of intron 9 in gene CD44 was related to the carcinogenesis of EC. 12. In this study, CHD gene intron sequences of 12 species of Falconiformes were compared and analyzed. 13. Elucidation of the genomic organization of the Oct-11a POU domain revealed a striking concordance of intron/exon junctions with Oct-2. 14. The existence of the mini-exon 3 and the positions of the adjacent intron splice points were verified by cDNA sequencing. 15. Accordingly, we are still unable to define the origin of mitochondrial introns and their distribution throughout eukaryotes. 16. A phylogenetic analysis was performed with five corresponding algal and fungal intron nucleotide sequences. 17. On the basis of their canonical nucleotide sequences they can be classified as group I introns. 18. Sequences in capital letters are exons, while lower case letters indicate intron sequences. 19. DNA were extracted from the peripheral blood, then TG sequence in second intron of IL- 4 was amplified by PCR, the polymorphism of that segment were then detected through 8% polyacrylamide gel. 20. Objective To identify the species of biological samples by amplifying intron 8 of the TP 53 gene. 21. The bond is broken releasing the 5' end of the intron and attaching it to the branch point sequence, The intron now forms a tailed loop structure called a lariat. 22. The BmAK gene contains only 2 exons and 1 intron. 23. Objective To study the role of 5' untranslated region (UTR) and intron in the expression of human thrombopoietin (TPO) gene. 24. It differs from the original DNA sequence in that it lacks intron and promoter sequences. 25. With the development of molecular biology and genetic engineering, intron is found to be especially important in gene expression regulation. 26. As part of a gene w - abh was lack of intron too. 27. In this experiment, phylogenetic relationships of 18 species of passerines were studied using Adenylate Kinase Intron 5 (AK5) sequences and DNA techniques. 28. Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of microsatellite in the exon 5 of MICA gene and the intron 1 of MICB gene in Guangdong Han population.