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1 Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69. 2 Room rates are pitched at £69 for a single. 3 The wine is currently on special offer at £2.69. 4 This data was collected from 69 countries. 5 At 69 he is as firmly in the driving seat of the company as ever. 6 The state agreed to put up $69,000 to start his company. 7 She made/put in a bid of £69 000 for the flat, which was accepted. 8 It settled in floor trading at 100. 69. 9 Bombeck, 69, died Monday of complications from the surgery. 10 Voting is obligatory for Brazilians aged 18 to 69. 11 The shares reached a 52-week high of 69 intraday. 12 Reading cracked under intense pressure again after 69 minutes. 13 Astor limed oak clock Bed linen Avignon White double duvet cover, from £69.99; filled pillowcase. 14 Make a brioche in this Silicone non-stick Master Baker from Prestige, price £4.69. 15 Ray, 69, who suffers from cirrhosis of the liver, has been hospitalized eight times since December. 16 But 26m voters, or 69 % of the electorate, abstained. 17 Stanton, 69, suffered minor injuries to his face and head but did not require hospital treatment. 18 The Dow Jones industrial average rose 9.68 points to 3,514.69. 19 Six out of 10 Labour supporters, and 69 % of voters overall, opposed joining the euro. 20 Moreover, that 4. 69 percent total return means the average bond fund owner actually lost principal value in 1996. 21 The Group has added a total of 69 mmboe as a result of our ongoing exploration appraisal and development activities. 22 The overall score is 69 to Cambridge, 68 to Oxford. 23 He roused Alexander White, 69, who was asleep in a first-floor flat filled with heavy smoke. 24 The comparable figures for research connected with defence, space and civil aviation were £1343 million, £52 million and £69 million. 25 Net interest payments were 69% higher than in 1988, and unit labour costs are soaring. 26 The results showed that 69 percent of all beech and 78 percent of yew had some form of dieback. 27 Senior Donald Stickland added scoring runs of 75 and 69 yards and finished with 211 yards on just nine carries. 28 The company also will reduce the price of one component of the product 55 percent to $ 69. 29 That set a 36-yard touchdown run by Davis, who carried 14 times for 69 yards in the game. 30 For county court purposes interest should be claimed pursuant to s 69 of the County Courts Act, 1984.