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united kingdom造句
151. It is not worth driving yourself to the major airports in the United Kingdom. 152. This traditional classification nevertheless remains a convenient way of approaching the task of describing the United Kingdom constitution. 153. Within the United Kingdom, the population is heavily concentrated in one country. 154. In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters. 155. These dismal survival figures are due to the fact that most patients in the United Kingdom present with advanced disease. 156. Maternal infection can result in fetal infection and damage and is estimated to occur in 0-1-0-5% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom. 157. Students have been placed throughout the United Kingdom in both the public and private sectors. 158. The chapter uses a national income accounting framework to estimate the economic importance of sport in the United Kingdom. 159. In such a small country as the United Kingdom, there are striking variations, impossible to explain or justify in terms of need. 160. The monarch is, furthermore, more than merely a part of Parliament under the constitution of the United Kingdom. 161. The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom. 162. Surely a treaty vitally affecting the United Kingdom electorate's future democracy must be brought before Parliament before negotiations are concluded. 163. A total of 377 schools are featured in the guide - now in its second edition - from across the United Kingdom. 164. Four such cases have been reported in the United Kingdom during the past decade, the study says. 165. The simple answer is that there is no evidence that the inhabitants of the United kingdom want a federal system. 166. That, however, is not a posture which, as yet, commands unalloyed respect within the United Kingdom. 167. There is some variation in educational achievement from country to country within the United Kingdom. 168. The United Kingdom is one of the leaders in open systems, which is a very important technological development. 169. This is one response to a desperate search for space and spectacle which is increasingly being denied in the United Kingdom. 170. Detained Numbers of refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are held in detention for long periods following their arrival. 171. If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV. 172. In the United Kingdom there is no codified constitution expressly imposing limits on governmental power. 173. Nevertheless, within the context of the United Kingdom, the two regions remain relatively disadvantaged in economic and social terms. 174. Is it not sufficient to entrust Parliament with the task of ensuring that constitutionalism is respected in the United Kingdom? 175. These estimates confirm that the United Kingdom will remain an important oil producer. 176. The United Kingdom was one gigantic air base. 177. Dominica gains its independence from the United Kingdom. 178. Belize is granted full independence from the United Kingdom. 179. In the United Kingdom, breakfast black pudding is common. 180. The Solomon Islands become independent from the United Kingdom.