快好知 kuaihz

31. My mama took it hard, but the old man was very decent. 32. You are wearing a cloak such as was worn every day by the likes of your mama, your grandmama and yourself. 33. But please, Mama, Lucinda pleaded silently, don't treat me like a complete idiot. 34. Mama never met a stranger in her life, although most people thought she was dignified. 35. I knew it would be a disappointment to Papa, and to Mama, too, and the heck with Uncle Haywood! 36. Your mama go out and buy you a brand new bike, that she could have bought at Christmas. 37. Mama served Ralph an enormous dollop and gave him an extra scoop of clotted cream. 38. This is the big mama of grass revenge, a power cutter and a status symbol. 39. Mama lay down on the sofa in the living room. 40. From what Mama told me, Admiral Makarov was a strict disciplinarian, and Dad hated him. 41. Nevertheless, I missed Mama enormously, and hated the feeling of being cut off from her. 42. Mama used to say when trying to console me or reassure me that troubled times would pass. 43. The last time I saw Mama was on my twenty-seventh birthday. 44. There must have been a great deal more to it than Mama had been prepared to divulge to Vicky. 45. This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was. 46. Those children, no more than babies, and the mama had gone shopping and left on the oil-stove, no? 47. Dad was now seventy, and Mama, although still in her early fifties, looked considerably older. 48. Everything was spotless and new, even before Mama started cleaning. 49. Neither Mama nor Dad showed the slightest surprise or resentment toward the doctor. 50. Mama had stopped using the notebook when she'd become too ill for them to have any more happy times together. 51. First a cricket match with a murder at the end of it, then having to face Mama. 52. Both Mama Bear and Papa Bear repeat their familiar refrain. 53. Just went around in my wrapper all the livelong day, my mama would faint. 54. It was nearly twelve when Mama began to burp the baby. 55. She had wet her drawers, which was the kind of thing one would never mention to Mama. 56. Mama, Millie has brought you a present; they're currant buns. 57. With promises of endless ice cream when he awoke, Mama kissed her little son and bade him goodnight, sleep tight. 58. Because of the large teak frame, Mama Tuyet occupied center stage on the altar. 59. Wile waiting, mama took pic for me. 60. I called out " Dada - mama! "