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asteroid belt造句
1. But some, including Eros, wander out of the asteroid belt and into the inner solar system during each orbit. 2. Most meteorites are thought to come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 3. All but one of these orbit in the asteroid belt, safely beyond the orbit of Mars. 4. The asteroid belt is broadly zoned into bands of different classes of asteroids. 5. Large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt. 6. Dodge being hit in an asteroid belt, and get ready to land as you approach a deserted moonscape. 7. Try the Asteroid Belt sample and Fish Tank sample on the test drive site to see hardware accelerated Canvas in action. 8. This artist's animation illustrates a massive asteroid belt in orbit around a star the same age and size as our Sun. 9. Astronomers have long thought that the asteroid belt is being ground down through collisions, but such a smashup has never before been seen. 10. Terrestrial planets could reside inside the innermost asteroid belt as well, though there currently is no clear indication of that, Marengo said. 10.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 11. The inner asteroid belt be a virtual twin to the belt in our solar system. 12. Astronomers have long thought that the asteroid belt is being ground down through collisions, but such a smashup has never been seen before. 13. Like a frozen asteroid belt, it’s littered with chunks of ice and frozen methane and ammonia. 14. For operations in the region of space from Earth out to the asteroid belt, we need only extract water. 15. Their utility in servicing traffic from Earth to the asteroid belt is, however, dubious. 16. Closed in on herself, Jezrael felt only apathy during the flight to Spiderglass guard-school, hidden out in the asteroid belt. 17. The narrow confines of the inner solar system seem claustrophobic compared to the asteroid belt. 18. The large majority of all Amors reach out into the heart of the asteroid belt near aphelion. 19. We do it now on a small scale to bring the rocks into Earth orbit from the asteroid belt. 20. These spacecraft can be launched by electromagnetic mass drivers from the Moon to the planets, their satellites, and to the asteroid belt. 21. In March, NASA’s Messenger mission is due to become the first craft ever to orbit Mercury, and the agency’s Dawn probe will orbit one of the biggest members of the asteroid belt, Vesta, in August. 22. The theory that has developed is that asteroids in the the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter may have produced smaller meteorites which have shot off into space and landed on Earth. 23. The object, dubbed P/2010 A2, orbits the sun well within the main asteroid belt, according to observations taken as part of the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research sky survey. 24. Launched in 2007, Dawn is the first mission to explore Vesta and Ceres, the two largest members of the asteroid belt. 25. ScienceDaily (July 18, 2011) —NASA's Dawn spacecraft on July 16, 2011 became the first probe ever to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 26. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres. 27. At first, astronomers thought it might be a so-called "main belt comet"--a rare case of a comet orbiting in the asteroid belt. 28. The two bodies are the most massive objects in the asteroid belt. 29. Earlier studies have shown that the Earth does the same thing with dust released from the asteroid belt. 30. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt.