generally accepted造句61. These therapies are also generally accepted as safe and effective by the medical community.
62. Records, classifies, and summarizes financial transactions and events in accordance with PRC generally accepted accounting principles.
63. A good education tells one how to behave oneself and act in agreement with generally accepted moral standards and how to work and live in peace and cooperation with the people around.
64. Review with management and the external auditors all matters required to be communicated to the committee under generally accepted auditing Standards.
65. Finally, the ORDONNANCE has broken the generally accepted international trade practice.
66. Theory of speech act, advanced first by Austin, and inherited and developed by Searle, has been generally accepted.
67. Audit: An examination of transactions and financial statements made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
68. Ranchu There are two swim bladder due to internal or external factors have made one or two contract there can not maintain a balance lead to the disease this view was generally accepted.
69. When Western maritime countries generally accepted the idea of territorial waters, the understanding of territory of the ocean in China was very thin.
70. A characteristic of a change in accounting principle is that the change is from one generally accepted that has been used previously to another that is also generally accepted accounting principle.
71. EXAMPLE: The young company's rigorous attention to generally accepted accounting practices impressed potential investors who could easily assess the company's potential.
72. It is generally accepted that government serves as a protector.
73. The name " intrinsic permeability " is now generally accepted as being characteristic of the medium alone.
74. And managerial accounting is not governed generally accepted accounting principles.
75. Digital molybdenum mammography has been generally accepted as one of the best methods to mammary regular dinical examination and prevention and general investigation for mammary carcinoma.
76. Familiar with generally accepted accounting practices , principles and tax policies in China.
77. In order to reduce the domestic transportation cost, it is best to choose a port of loading that is close to the origin of the goods, which is a generally accepted principle.
78. It generally accepted that waterfowl play an important role in the generation, spread, and enzootic transmission of AI.
79. One of the opulent graves, which contained a large gold wreath of oak leaves, is generally accepted to have belonged to Philip II.
80. Lemon is generally accepted as the representative fruit rich in Vitamin P. But compared with Jujube, it is much more inferior.
81. Therefore, it is generally accepted that prevention and screening or oral cancer at early stages or premalignant levels for the high-risk group of population are equally important to treatment.
82. The testification and authenticating requirement for foreign documents used in the PRC is generally accepted international practice.
83. However, First Secretary Nakayama Shoichi and others generally accepted the Kwangtung Army's position that an effectively independent government should be set up in North China.
84. Their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices.
85. It is generally accepted that moot court, case discussion and society investigation are the content of legal practice teaching.
86. Auditor's opinion which states that financial statements do not fairly present the financial position, results of operations, or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
87. There are a number of generally accepted conventions for naming objects, primarily concerning the readability of programs.
88. The generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP ) require that a business use the accrual basis.
89. His earlier Dialogues are generally accepted as giving a true representation of Socrates'personality and teaching.
90. Managerial accounting is not bound by generally accepted accounting principles.