good fortune造句61) But even the most cynical agree that good fortune is the mark of every top-flight politician.
62) Fortunately, some sediments, by rare good fortune, survive from very ancient times with little or no loss of legibility.
63) A first daughter, with some good fortune, could be endured.
64) He must generate all his own internal discipline against the possible inclination to lie back and enjoy his good fortune.
65) Quelala was much too wise not to swim, and he was not in the least spoiled by all his good fortune.
66) Her chronic malady, the result of a golf injury, has provided its share of good fortune, however.
67) By good fortune, Nature has preserved some hints as to how barrenness can be preferred.
68) I awaken each morning and thank Providence for my good fortune in doing work I love.
69) There weren't all that many twenty-four-year-old graduates with the good fortune to run their own successful public relations business in London.
70) It may be that the use of imperial motifs was thought to bring good fortune.
71) In the summer of 1962, I had another piece of good fortune.
72) In its good fortune, Sears may illustrate several keys to thriving in a difficult retail environment.
73) The extraordinary piece of good fortune that I had been given was the opportunity to fight it my way.
74) During the nineteenth century to be noticed was good fortune, while to be praised was a professional advantage.
75) But after eight issues, early in 1967, the paper had a stroke of good fortune.
76) Some women I have looked after with hope but without good fortune.
77) If the gans were sufficiently propitiated, they would use their considerable powers to attract good fortune.
78) The final breach grew from Southey's good fortune in being offered an annuity of £160 during the summer of 1795.
79) Most are basically uncoordinated in that their planning probably represents the outcome of good fortune or minimal management.
80) The only witnesses had been Sarah's stepmother, and an ecclesiastic colleague who envied him his good fortune.
81) If you choose to continue your genealogy search, I wish you happy hunting and good fortune.
82) The agents gave their luggage a quick look and wished them good fortune.
83) She only knew her good fortune lay in that Tyler Blacklock was an honourable man.
84) It was my good fortune to have had the stimulation of other Leibniz projects during the final stages of composing this work.
85) It was his good fortune that two of the more respected women in the parish were active in the antiabortion movement.
86) Either by good fortune or good planning, the Ibstock balance sheet is strong.
87) He believed that Stephen would survive because there was some untouchable quality of good fortune about him.
88) She could not believe her good fortune when it happened.
89) Anthony Coburn got the commission to write the first story by a notable stroke of good fortune.
90) Good fortune can be as bewildering as a hard blow sometimes.