mathematically造句61 To Alessandro Pluchino and team at the University of Catania for demonstrating mathematically that companies work more efficiently if staff are promoted at random.
62 Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin.
63 This type of shape was mathematically postulated over a century ago, and has now been shown to describe the genome's three-dimensional structure.
64 In other words, describing an orientation is mathematically equivalent to describing an angular displacement.
65 First, trace model about a voluntary point on link bar of spatial RRSS mechanism was established mathematically by vector algebra and matrix operations.
66 The second optimum acidity range of spectrometric determination with ternary coordination compound was studied mathematically in this paper, A simple calculation method was also provided.
67 Keynes offered a mathematically elegant solution to why the world economy had stagnated and how government deficit spending could bring prompt recovery.
68 In 1872, he published the results in a paper titled The Galvanic Chain, Mathematically Treated.
69 The leading candidate to explain dark energy's effects is vacuum energy, which is mathematically equivalent to the cosmological constant that Einstein invented in 1917.
70 OK, this is only true for an ideal gas, and we went through that mathematically where the, with a chain rule.
71 Mathematically precise calculations can be thrown severely askew by small round-off errors caused by finite-precision floating-point numbers.
72 This approach is mathematically a first approximation to messages with a variable size (bear with me, I will keep it short and simple ).
73 And it is proved up to the hilt mathematically. Comparison and analysis are made for the applications and characteristics of the two theorems, thus perfecting the superposition theorem theoretically.
74 It is mathematically proved that angular glint linear deviations are independent of radar observational range in far-field region.
75 This paper mathematically analyzes the correlations of noise and validates the comparatively stronger correlation of the man-made noise.
76 Since the profile is a curved shape, it's much easier mathematically to use what are known as as polar coordinates.
77 The only mathematically consistent explanation known for this result is therefore Hardy's.
78 The chief reason for this choice was that the PI was mathematically tractable.
79 This can be proved to hold mathematically for any number of goods.
80 The time section made by mathematically simulating a geologic model offered from drilling data conforms better with factual data.
81 While a financial model may be mathematically correct, it may nevertheless be out of control.
82 The public-key system uses a pair of mathematically related sequences, one for encryption and the other for decryption.