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61. Objective:To evaluate the superiority of Autologous superior conjunctival flap diversion compared with amniotic membrane grafting on palindromic pterygium treatment. 62. Conclusions The pressure of the amniotic cavity during normal pregnancy was stable, but changed with AFI. 63. Methods 11 cases of symblepharon were treated by the human fresh amniotic membrane transplantation. 64. Hint: For the older pregnant woman, the AFP in amniotic fluid should be checked as a rule. The check rate of nerve tube blemish can be increased, and the birth of ill infant can be avoided. 65. Amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant at the birth of the baby. NOT during foetal development. 66. The artificial organs were created in a laboratory using human amniotic fluid and animal foetal cells. 67. Objective To explore the epidemiology of meconium stained amniotic fluid peru - delivery. 68. What is the incidence and mortality from amniotic fluid embolus ( AFE )? 69. Conclusion pterygium combined with fresh amniotic membrane transplantation is the preferred method of treatment of pterygium. 70. Your amniotic fluid is probably stained with meconium, a greenish-brown substance that is actually your baby's first bowel movement. 71. The amniotic cavity, which is initially located dorsal to the germinal disk, grows rapidly and eventually encircles the fetus, obliterates the chorionic cavity, and envelops the umbilical cord. 72. A dishpan or basin can be placed under the mother's vagina to catch the amniotic fluid and blood. 73. The rate of fetal distress, amniotic fluid turbidity, and cesarean section increased greatly ( P & lt; 0.01 ), asphyxia neonatorum ... 74. The B - model ultrasound measured amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) ≤8 was taken as the diagnostic standard for oligohydramnios. 75. ObjectiveTo evaluate amniotic membrane transplantation for ocular surface reconstruction treating vascular leukoma after severe keratoconjunctival alkali burns. 76. Objective To observe the clinical effect of amniotic membrane transplantation in treating corneal posterior membrane ectasia. 77. The distribution of rivanol in maternal and fetal bodies, after its injection(100 mg)into the amniotic cavity for the induction of midterm labour in 17 cases, was studied. 78. Exposure of cerebral tissue to amniotic fluid precludes brain development. 79. MethodsTransplantation of amniotic membrane with excising local pathological process tissue were performed on 55 cases(55eyes ) by means of operating microscope, following from 3 to 12 months. 80. In this experiment, egg shape index, egg weight loss in the incubation, allantoic and amniotic fluid volume were mensurated and analysed. 81. Moreover, the ratio of threonine and serine to isoleucine, leucine and valine in the amniotic fluid of spina bifida fetus is higher than normal. 82. Objective:To discuss the value of amniotic membrane implantation in the non-penetrating trabeculectomy for open-angle glaucoma. 83. Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae . 84. The white fringe surrounding the bottom is the remnants of the amniotic sac. 85. Worse was to come when tests also confirmed a tear in the amniotic sac, which meant the waters were leaking. 86. Objective: To study the value of ultrasonic intervene amniotic cavity fluid infusion and amniotic replacement with hypamnion in the third trimester. 87. Objective To study bacterial condition in amniotic cavity of premature rupture of membrane and intact fetal membrane in third trimester. 88. Objective To study the goblet cell of conjunctival of rabbit reconstructed by preserved human amniotic membrane. 89. Methods 161 cases were measured for amniotic fluid ( AF ) ET 1 levels by radioimmunoassay. 90. In this experiment, egg weight, egg weight loss in the incubation, birth weight, allantoic and amniotic fluid volume were mensurated and analysed.