apollo造句61) The goal of Apollo was not practical benefit, nor even scientific research, but political posturing.
62) If Apollo would give it the matter was settled as far as he was concerned.
63) Gerry will be playing to hundreds of loyal fans at the Apollo theatre in Oxford tonight.
64) During his servitude Apollo made friends with the household, especially with the head of it and his wife Alcestis.
65) An Apollo may make as many as ten crossings of planetary orbits on each trip around the Sun.
66) Ordinary prudence would have reminded him that it was dangerous to side against Apollo with Pan, infinitely the less powerful.
67) Many of the crew slated for Apollo missions were experienced astronauts from the Gemini space programme.
68) As they talked a further proof seemed given them that Apollo could speak falsely.
69) The plans and blueprints and operating instructions for the Apollo hardware were declared surplus.
70) For example: is the subject taken from classical literature with its firm structural rules like those which govern Balanchine's Apollo?
71) The tank that eventually found itself as oxygen tank 2 on Apollo 13 started its life in Apollo 10.
72) It was modified and then installed on the service module for Apollo 13.
73) The service module thrusters were also used to establish the barbecue roll that helped to keep the Apollo cool.
74) Engineers redesigned and rebuilt the Apollo command module.
75) They vowed a temple to Apollo.
76) Did you know it took almost 45 minutes for Apollo astronauts to make a bowel movement because their "waste management system" was a plastic bag they had to tape to their butt in zero-gravity?
77) Cernan and Schmitt landed in a valley almost directly north of the Apollo Eleven landing place.
78) Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
79) T minus zero for Apollo was plus one for globalisation.
80) In the rear of the Temple of Apollo was a room that only the high priest could enter.
81) The distance between the Earth and the Moon about 38 million kilometers, the U. S. had launched the "Apollo" series of spacecraft arrived at the moon with only three days.
82) The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment.
83) Here we have, in a great symbol of art, both the fair world of Apollo and its substratum, the terrible wisdom of Silenus , and we can comprehend intuitively how they mutually require one another.
84) Even before the Apollo programme fell to earth, we had managed to internalise much of the space age's outward?bound rhetoric.
85) So this is Virgil: "When I was fain to sing of kings and battles, the Cynthian god" -that's Phoebus Apollo -- "plucked my ear and warned me."
86) Phaethon was the son of Apollo and the nymph Clymene.
87) You can also find simulators for specialized hardware, such as the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used in the Apollo lunar missions.
88) Yet am I to be attracted by this Nanyang Apollo just because of his senseless beauty?
89) An island of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. It is the smallest of the Cyclades Islands and was traditionally considered sacred to Apollo.
90) Krembala a kind of Cymbals mentioned in a Homeric poem to Apollo.