快好知 kuaihz

31. Hongxing's back still hurts from squatting under roof planks in the lean-to bathroom, and his scalp is full of scabs. 32. Her father took her camping in the Adirondacks one summer in the 1970s, and behind the lean-to at their campsite in the middle of a seemingly pristine forest they discovered a small open-air dump. 33. Her home now is a precarious lean-to made from a couple of stained, fraying sheets tied to some sticks. 34. Though the word now often suggests a luxurious apartment with a panoramic view, historically a penthouse was a lean-to, shed, or other small structure attached to a comparatively large building. 35. The dozen or so team members here are wet, cold and frazzled, hunched over laptops in a makeshift lean-to or hunkered down in a van. 36. For now, educated workers live in tiny rooms carved out of lean-to farm houses or in low-rise flats outside urban job centers because they cannot afford to rent a private flat.http:// 37. When a floor or roof or other large sections are supported on one side and collapse or sag on the other, they form a lean-to collapse. 38. When he arrived at the immunization site — a crude lean-to — he encountered a long line of young girls anxiously holding babies. 39. "We'd stay out there for weeks in a little lean-to that we built, " he says. 40. They sought shelter first in a lean-to they made of branches, then in the culvert under a road.