快好知 kuaihz

1 Action is the foundational key to all success.Pablo Picasso 2 This foundational belief gives meaning to the more popular belief in the right of the people to violence. 3 The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins. 4 It has the characteristic of foundational, public, indivisibility and so on. 5 Intelligent decision and control are important foundational techniques of the intelligent manufacturing. 6 Based on these learning, the foundational way and technique approach to durability design of negative temperature concrete are accomplished. 7 This paper discuses on ten foundational problems of soft rock engineering whickare different from classical mechanics. 8 In fact one of the foundational principles of nudism is "body acceptance" or accepting others for who they are regardless of size, shape or body type. 9 In this thesis, the foundational study on turbulent impinging jet has been accomplished. 10 The history takes the foundational long-line discipline, its employment prospect relatively so-called popular specialized is facing the major difficulty without doubt. 11 Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry. 12 Geometrical optics is the first foundational course for the students of optical engineering specialty. 13 This paper discusses the foundational theory of nonuniform sampling in detail, and reveals the advantages of nonuniform sampling comparing with the uniform sampling. 14 Message Handling System(MHS) is a foundational service which is used to adopt OSI X. 15 Physical quality training is an important section of foundational eurythmics training. 16 While Genghis learns to climb over an obstacle, the foundational walking routine is never fiddled with. 17 This paper discussed the method of application of Z specification and foundational principle and description of temporal relation in develop of real-time system. 18 Abstract: The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins. 19 Rural money capital or funds, which are the most important basic variables of rural economy development, lie in the foundational core level of. 20 Conclusion Pointing out the status and function of innovational instruction in the course of foundational education. 21 In this paper, axiomatic method, which is used in structuring subject knowledge, is introduced into the area of evaluation for the construction of foundational theory of evaluation. 22 The issue regards to the nature of the abettor is the relationship between the abettors and the executants, which occupies the foundational status of the theory of abettor. 23 Rural money capital or funds, which are the most important basic variables of rural economy development, lie in the foundational core level of rural financial resources system. 24 The legal rule and its the potency question is a foundational question of law philosophy. 25 Patients ? ? informed consent is patients ? ? foundational right and medical institutions ? ? obligation. 26 Methods Qingyi Decoction, complex salvia miltiorrhiza injection were used while foundational supporting treatment was provided. 27 The system of census registration law lies in the foundational position in the system of state administration, and it affects the development of economy and society of a country in a big way. 28 The key measures to the control of construction cost in foundational construction in high school include choosing the optimum design project, guaranteeing the quality of design. 29 The aluminium oxide in Kaolinite is leached in hydrochloric acid which is the foundational reaction to produce poly-aluminium chloride. In general, batch reactor is adopted in the reaction. 30 Attachment theory is a Western Eurocentric based theory that focuses on the emotional aspects of the mother-infant relationship is and is considered foundational for healthy child development.