快好知 kuaihz

1. According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. 2. Finally they accepted Einstein's relativity. 3. The theory of relativity originates with Albert Einstein. 4. Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse. 5. His brother is assiduous in the study of relativity. 6. There is no relativity between the two matters. 7. Einstein formulated the Theory of Relativity in 1905. 8. Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to grasp. 9. Einstein had no intention of abandoning the relativity principle. 10. But then, Newtonian mechanics appeared precisely accurate, until Relativity was discovered. 11. The fact that Einstein's general theory of relativity turned out to predict singularities led to a crisis in physics. 12. The theory of general relativity predicts an infinite curvature, but whether such a physical singularity can really occur is not known. 13. Einstein introduced his theory of relativity in 1915, in a scientific paper. 14. Unlike relativity theory, quantum theory is beginning to have a really significant impact on technology. 15. Nearly all undergraduate texts on special relativity attempt to display the novel physical concepts of the theory at minimal mathematical cost. 16. Now the general theory of relativity will be developed formally using tensors. 17. The general theory of relativity is what is called a classical theory. 18. It doesn't really matter if you don't understand relativity and quantum mechanics, or even if these theories are incorrect. 19. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity started a revolution in scientific thinking. 20. These results are in flat contradiction to the theory of relativity. 21. However, all this was changed when Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity in 1915. 22. Let us try to understand the basics of special relativity in terms of the magnificent space-time of Minkowski. 23. And it is just possible that Western ideas in psychiatry could be incorporated into a relativity model. 24. One therefore has to find a new theory that combines general relativity with the uncertainty principle. 25. You could say that, de Nesle replied; or at least, relativity does come into it. 26. We then went to a summer school in general relativity at Cornell University in upstate New York. 27. A final paragraph for the benefit of a reader with some knowledge of special relativity. 28. Early on he makes a general point, one taken up by later writers, that there is a relativity about identity. 29. In addition the metric of the frame in free fall is locally that of special relativity. 30. Wilberforce saw very clearly that this was the issue and that evolutionism was damnable because it implied moral and cultural relativity.