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31, A singleton service locator with a resource cache creates a global cache that cannot properly handle the component-level mappings for an overloaded resource name. 32, The Singleton pattern is used in the design of logger classes. 33, The code at BE allocates the memory from the heap for the Singleton object and stores a pointer to that memory in eax. 34, In an effort to create more efficient code, Java programmers created the double-checked locking idiom to be used with the Singleton creation pattern to limit how much code is synchronized. 35, Because this decision makes all Leaves identical, we'll keep a singleton for Leaf in a static field. 36, They created the teenager , the yuppie, the baby boomer, the singleton and the metrosexual. 37, In the case of eg. a singleton pattern using the constructor this can have severe consequences and lead to seemingly random null reference exceptions. 38, For example, according to the pattern catalog, the State pattern is often related to Flyweight and Singleton[GoF]. 39, Implement it using a centralized configuration singleton, which you can configure with a properties file. 40, As the singleton female longing and share experience experience with age person. 41, This has the added benefit of separating singleton code from the class code leaving the flexibility to use several instances of the class or using the class as a singleton. 42, I have tested this code with a Dual Processor with hyper-threading enabled with 100 threads accessing the singleton. 43, Objective:To investigate the application of cephalic presentation score in predicting the mode of labour in nulliparous women with term singleton fetus with cephalic presentation. 44, Conclusion Caesarean section for first live birth is associated with a 47% increased risk of placenta praevia and 40% increased risk of placental abruption in second pregnancy with a singleton. 45, He is a singleton, concern with parents good, oneself have a steady income, adscititious not little friend, love has talked a few times, but marriage appears to him appeal of it doesn't matter. 46, section in the Web.config that controls the server-side object configuration (for example, single-call or singleton parameters) and authorization parameters (from the element). 47, In this article, we eported 201 singleton of breech presentation by B-mode ultrasound made 2 weeks before term. some criteria for breech delivery are as following. 47,try its best to gather and create good sentences. 48, He was a singleton for a few years before he met his wife. 49, In this investigate , students were grouped by sex, liberal art or science , origin from city or country, singleton or not and cadre or not. 50, And, to make matters worse, the model is simply a global state, expressed through a singleton.