norse造句31. Wikipedia tells me that a kenning is called a kenning from a norse phrase translating as "to express a thing in terms of another."
32. Norse paganism, the religious traditions that were common among the Scandinavian people before the Christianization of Scandinavia.
33. At last the Norse yoke was broken by two remarkable men.
34. In some Norse sources , Brunhild has supernatural and is described as a Valkyrie.
35. Erik was on the lam (from the Old Norse word lemja) for killing a man who had refused to return some borrowed bedsteads.
36. Originally "lug" is thought to have come from Old Norse and is reflected in Swedish where lugga refers to pulling a person by the hair.
37. The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.
38. That tie-in is essentially the fantasy world of Asgard, the mythological Norse world where Thor, the home of the god of thunder.
39. Before they became Christians, the English people worshipped old Norse gods.
40. The English names of the days of the week come from Latin, Norse, Old German, and Old English.
41. The existence of Midgard Serpent in Nose myth is kind of reflected the thoughts of Norse in the old time.
42. The American Heritage Dictionary says that window is an example of a type of word called a "kenning" that the Norse loved to invent.
43. From the old Norse myth people got the idea that 13 people sitting ata table to have a dinner was unlucky.
44. Berserk refers to an Old Norse word used to describe the Viking warriors.
45. Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor's Helmet is about 30 light - years across .
46. And to the already existing synonyms, English wrath and Old Norse anger, the French added a third word— ire.
47. Thursday was named for the strongest and bravest of the Norse gods, Thor.
48. Although he has origins in Norse and pre-Christian mythology , Santa Claus took shape in the United States.
49. The ancient Norse people have a wonderful legend centered on the mistletoe.
50. S. Southwest, the Maya, the Greenland Norse, Mycenaean Greeks and inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent , the Indus Valley , Great Zimbabwe and Angkor Wat.
51. The ultimate postmortem destination for Viking warriors was Valhalla, or "Odin's Hall", made famous in the Old Norse sagas.
52. The specific root viking reappears in the 11th century in Old Norse, with a different emphasis.
53. European mythology a supernatural smith and king of the elves; identified with Norse Volund.
54. Before they became Christians, the English people worshipped the old Norse gods.
55. How a file system realizes that a particular disk volume belongs to it and initializes to handle the volume is itself a saga of Norse proportions.
56. It wasn't all Norse mythology, deadly carnivores and communing with the taiga, however.
57. Or "lens" which comes from the Latin "lentil" or "window" meaning "eye of wind" in old Norse?
58. Its name derives from two Old Norse words meaning 'god' and 'meadow'.
59. Who could safely sort out ea, as in Eton, meaning a river, from ey, Old Norse for island?
60. Frey:The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.