快好知 kuaihz

a level造句
61. Nursery and child-minding facilities should be introduced if there appears to be a level of demand which would make it cost-effective. 62. Revenue figures necessarily start at a modest level and even 100 percent growth leaves us with a level only slightly less modest. 63. There will no longer be a level playing field and the single market will be undermined. 64. Sophisticated analysis today can identify traces of pesticides and other substances down to a level of parts per quadrillion. 65. Workers will need a level of writing skill that will enable them to communicate quickly and effectively. 66. They moved upon a level trajectory and travelled at what appeared to be an even and leisurely pace. 67. Essays are consumable at A level - use them to feed the skill of writing History. 68. User need prevails when such produced materials reduce abstractions to a level of reality and personal meaning to the individual. 69. It must also dole out a level of punishment so severe that it precludes any further response. 69. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 70. Already it was almost on a level with my straw palliasse. 71. Each, in any event, offers explanations at a level deeper than prediction. 72. Medical and legal expenses, public liability and cancellation should all be included at as high a level as possible. 73. But freshman composition, like the writing test, assumed a level of competency that few of these students had attained. 74. Workplace 2000 measurement systems will thus track costs at a level of detail and accuracy not possible before. 75. Disagreements are resolved with a level of civility that would make Miss Manners proud. 76. They represent the thought experiment of choosing a level of gross output and finding the corresponding scale and diversity. 77. He did not create a level economic playing field or introduce the rule of law, as the West understands those terms. 78. Well, Kenny's Rovers stand today on a level footing with Brian's Forest exactly 15 years ago this holiday week-end. 79. Noise can create a level of stress so unnerving that it can suppress intelligence and creativity. 80. When Delaney offered his amendment, scientists could identify traces of potentially harmful substances down to a level of parts per million. 81. This requires a level of co-ordination in tongue movements and swallowing. 82. As such, they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks, footmen and other servants. 83. Women fought long and hard to win a level playing field. 84. A level of three million algae to a litre of water is fatal to marine life. 85. Nine died and 11 were injured in that crash, when a train hit a van on a level crossing. 86. Note that the pump is set on a level plinth. 87. But bail should be set at a level which effectively deters flight. 88. My friends were chatting to Sean Murphy, his beady eyes and Guinness-fringed lips at a level with Rozanov's chest. 89. When will we have a level playing field in Northern Ireland with fair competition between all ports? 90. Their daily routines are starting to reflect their preferences and abilities and to include a level of personal responsibility.