well-paid造句1. Some men see well-paid, powerful jobs as their birthright.
2. I have no wish for a well-paid position.
3. Her boyfriend has a well-paid job.
4. You landed on your feet, getting such a well-paid job with so little experience.
5. I have an interesting, well-paid job, with opportunities to travel.
6. Contrary to all our expectations, he's found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend.
7. She walked straight into a well-paid job after leaving university.
8. It is outrageous that people doing well-paid jobs should moan about how badly off they are.
8.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. She has a well-paid job in the tax department.
10. She's a very competent, well-paid housekeeper.
11. The unions claim that contented, well-paid workers are an essential ingredient of productivity, and so they are.
12. Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.
13. The other is to find well-paid employment which will provide her with an adequate income to afford the repayments.
14. Even women in well-paid jobs, who can afford childcare and domestic help, face a stark, all-or-nothing choice.
15. Milosevic has deployed his well-armed and well-paid police to harass the daily protesters.
16. I think I fancy a well-paid job with a firm that won't go bust.
17. They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.
18. He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.
19. I went to college. Meanwhile, all my friends got well-paid jobs.
20. Academic success is not always an open sesame to a well-paid job.
21. Digital workers were always good for a car loan or a mortgage, perceived as being in secure, well-paid jobs.
22. The result was that what had been a small-sized cheap labour force became a large well-paid labour force.
23. A third had two sisters in the trade, but working in less well-paid jobs as auxiliaries.
24. In his view, it was true that the in-house collection manager was generally dedicated, well-trained, well-paid, well-motivated.
25. Airports attract hotels and businesses; they employ large numbers of well-paid staff who like to live near their work.
26. In the early days it was seen as bringing a whirlwind of well-paid high-technology jobs to an area of record unemployment.
27. But they do have other pressures: to get a well-paid job, for instance.
28. For another it might be a school whose graduates get well-paid jobs.
29. This is largely because the upper-middle-class educated sector has sold out to the development industry, which provides relatively well-paid jobs.
30. But the bureaucratic tendency to expand has generated a stepladder of well-paid officials.