will call造句31. This belief will call for radical changes in employment, management and corporate strategy.
32. The transition to democracy and market economies will call for much patience and persistence.
33. Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am...only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths.Che Guevara
34. If the government does lose the showdown, it seems likely that John Major will call a confidence vote 24 hours later./will call.html
35. One effect comes from the use of general knowledge about the world - we will call this a general context effect.
36. If he does, if he practices any philosophical trespass around here, I will call the cops.
37. I will start by drawing a distinction between what I will call social science history and hermeneutic history.
38. If what I will call the hypothetical cost test is adopted it will come very close to a market value test.
39. More complex needs will call for multidisciplinary assessments, careful preparation, and time for patients to consider their future.
40. However, not every illegal acquisition by P will call this into play.
41. One of my oldest friends in Boston is a woman whom, for now, I will call Ellen.
42. You download this program, install it, and your browser will call on it when need be.
43. Many parents become very confused by the range of professionals that they see and will call everyone doctor.
44. During their seven-day marathon, the riders will call at nature reserves, country parks and sites where wildlife is under threat.
45. The truth is bland: Mr Major will call an election if the opinion polls suggest he can not lose.
46. It was more efficient because decision making was vested in the director, whom I will call Faustino Mata.
47. We will call at a more seemly time.
48. I will call the roll.
49. I know Saint Peter will call my name.
50. u Let me call it constant k times something I will call del squared u, which is also called the Laplacian of u, and what is that?
51. If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we will call you out.
52. We will call any data type whose values are composed of component elements that are related by some structure a structured data type, or data structure.
53. Her husband, whom I will call Don Miguel, took more interest in the rancho than she did.
54. Maintenance man: 3 days. We will call you when it's ready.
55. MasterClassName is the name of master class to which the engine classes will call for a specific algorithm implementation. The provider's documentation will specify its master class name.
56. If the prisoner is sick, the warder will call in the prison doctor to treat him.
57. Think better of my proposal I will call you tomorrow.
58. So they will call their bible Tanakh often,or just the bible.
59. If my son finishes high school, I will call that well and good.
60. A mean teacher will call the roll frequently. However it may be safe to skip class when there's no roll call.