快好知 kuaihz

61. Rex who admitted to being the worst cook on board, was determined to do them justice. 62. Rex, unperturbed, quickly stripped off naked to wash himself and his clothes in the deluge of fresh water. 63. Rex made with the crossed eyes and suitably pained expression. 64. When that short-term goal was reached, Rex quit his job at the Department. 65. We dropped the mainsail in time, but Joe and Rex were still wrestling down the foresail when the squall line hit. 66. Joe and Rex still wore shorts in the daytime but now they put on warm jackets. 67. It showed the other Rex, who was standing on the plaza before the building waving his arms about. 68. Rex scooped up a bucket of water and carefully poured some of it into a small white rice bowl. 69. With Rex and Woodchip out of the picture and the forces of darkness set loose upon the land, how can we fail? 70. It was probably a young Black-Footed Albatross, said Rex consulting his reference guide to seabirds, and probably a young one. 71. Rex later commented on how smoothly she rode out the waves. 72. Rex must have gone forward to deal with the foresail. 73. Rex may be the ideal idol to many men but you will have to settle with playing his character in the game. 74. Rex put on his sunglasses and elbowed his way into the crowd to gawp along with the rest. 75. As Joe scrambled to his feet, Rex shouted and pointed upward. 76. Trondur soon simmered down, and with Rex he went to refasten the cabins, using the last of the good rope. 77. Rex was captivated by the sea in a way that others might be avid golf players or inveterate bird watchers. 78. Rex was trapped by his legs and had to be cut free. 79. Rex, pardon me, but you don't seem to be shrugging helplessly or shaking your head. 80. Rex gave himself to the preparations with gusto. 81. REX? Real – time EXecutive routine? 82. Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore. 83. Habitat - When and where Tyrannosaurus Rex lived. 84. That's Rex with Uncle Bob and Aunt Patricia. 85. Angus: Rex, I think that was the wrong answer. 86. Description - What Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like. 87. They insisted that we get rid of Rex. 88. Rex is genuine Tibetan Mastiff. We traced his genealogy back 10 generations. 89. Palaeontologists have sequenced someprotein from a 68 - million - year - old fossilized Tyrannosaurus rex bone. 90. Her co-star, Rex Harrison, once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, "Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady."