whaling造句31, Trade in the grey whale has been outlawed since 1949 because uncontrolled whaling had put it on the verge of extinction.
32, The deal envisaged would permit a limited resumption of commercial whaling inside the 200-mile coastal zones of the countries concerned.
33, The diplomatic spat over whaling comes two weeks before the International Whaling Commission meets in London.
34, The whaling nations claim that since the hunting ban came into force in 1986 some species are now flourishing.
35, What is needed are peaceful campaigns aimed at the whaling communities via public demonstrations.
36, Ishmael is still not satisfied that he has bestowed enough dignity on the profession of whaling.
37, Whaling declined after 1850, when mineral oil and gas replaced spermaceti oil as a source of light.
38, But ultimately we shall have to face the facts about whether or not whaling is acceptable to the peoples of the world or not.
39, A fierce gale, huge waves, and a drenching rain bear down upon the frail whaling ship with all their might.
40, But we do face a real possibility that some commercial whaling will be allowed to resume in 1992.
41, The whaling season typically runs until mid-March.
42, The whaling ship came to hidden rock.
43, Yojo stare that you are to pick the whaling ship.
44, Brower, the grandson, still uses a heavy brass harpoon gun stamped as having been made in a very different whaling capital, New Bedford, Mass.
45, In the18th and19th centuries its port was a base for slave trading, privateering, whaling, and shipbuilding. Population, 21, 625.
46, Melville allegorically and vividly depicts the cruel killing of whales by Captain Ahab and the sailors on the whaling ship, and their tragically being drowned in the sea.
47, The Pequod was a fairly small whaling ship the was sailing the next day.
48, He and two of the original crew had been dropped in their opensailing boat by an American whaling ship off the Ryukyu Islands.
49, The city gained prominence as a whaling and trading center due to its accessible harbor, and it continues to attract transpacific tourist ships today.
50, Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout : There she blows!
51, The pro - whaling screed was approved by a much thinner margin : 33 votes to 32.
52, It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling.
53, An election is due later this year, galvanising Mr Rudd"s efforts to make good some of those promises, such as ending whaling."
53,try its best to collect and build good sentences.
54, Most underwater creatures had little to fear from man until 1873, when the first steam-powered whaling ships, armed with explosive harpoons, were launched.
55, He had to follow the normal custom and even to force himself to show his well-known untiring interest in the ordinary business of a whaling captain.
56, One of them was a big, snow-white fellow from Spitzbergen who had been brought away by a whaling captain, and who had later accompanied a Geological Survey into the Barrens .
57, Thereal reason that Japan is so hell-bent on continuing its whaling isbecause it fears that a ban would be the thin end of the wedge.
58, Two anti - whaling protesters who boarded a Japanese whaling ship in the Southern Ocean have been released.
59, Countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, that oppose whaling are frustrated.
60, In February Australia (with quiet sympathy from New Zealand) threatened to take Japan to the International Court of Justice unless it stopped whaling off Antarctica.