快好知 kuaihz

121 So this is a surprise for everyone [that it was Karadzic first], of course, because there was a lot of talk that Karadzic may be hiding in Bosnia or between Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro. 122 The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West. 123 In the early 1990s, post-Tito Yugoslavia began to unravel along ethnic lines: Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina were recognized as independent states in 1992. 124 The Bosnia native fled when the bags set off a metal detector. 125 The Balkans still smolder, and inattention to Bosnia could revive apprehensions about the EU's ability to offer security, even on its own continent. 126 Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean country, bordering Slovenia in the west, Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south. 127 Serbia and Montenegro is located in Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea, between Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is on the west-central Balkan Peninsula. 128 When Yugoslavia was invaded in World War II, all of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) was ceded to Nazi-puppet Croatia. 129 Bosnia won the deal only after its intransigent leaders wore down their EU partners into accepting a watered-down version of reform for Bosnia's police.